No More Strangers: How to Stop Unwanted Messages on Instagram

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Written by: Alex Popa


No More Strangers: How to Stop Unwanted Messages on Instagram

Do you keep getting messaged by total strangers on Instagram? It’s time to end that.

Do these to stop strangers from sending you messages on Instagram:

  1. Go to your profile page on Instagram
  2. Tap the Menu icon
  3. Select “Settings
  4. Go to “Privacy
  5. Go to “Messages
  6. Select “Others on Instagram
  7. Check the “Don’t receive requests” option

After you check the “Don’t receive requests” option, you won’t receive messages from strangers on Instagram. Only your friends will be able to message you.

Keep reading to learn more!

Summary: In this article, I provide a step-by-step guide on how to stop strangers from sending you messages on Instagram. 

By going to your profile page, selecting “Settings”, then “Privacy”, then “Messages”, and finally checking the “Don’t receive requests” option under “Others on Instagram”, you can prevent strangers from messaging you. 

Only your friends will be able to message you.

1. Tap your profile picture

Instagram feed where your profile picture is highlighted in red in the bottom-right corner
Instagram feed where your profile picture is highlighted in red in the bottom-right corner

As soon as you open Instagram, look for your profile picture in the bottom-right corner, and select it. This will take you to your profile page.

2. Tap the Menu icon

Instagram profile page showing the Menu icon highlighted in the top-right corner
Instagram profile page showing the Menu icon highlighted in the top-right corner

After you tap your profile picture, you’ll be taken to your profile page on Instagram. When you’re here, tap the Menu icon in the top-right corner.

Also known as the Hamburger icon, it looks like three horizontal lines stacked on each other or a hamburger.

3. Select “Settings

Instagram profile page showing a menu at the bottom of the page where the "Settings" option is highlighted in red
Instagram profile page shows a menu at the bottom of the page where the “Settings” option is highlighted in red

Once you tap the Menu icon, a menu will naturally appear at the page’s bottom. Select “Settings” and continue with the guide!

4. Select “Privacy

Instagram settings page showing the "Privacy" option highlighted in red
Instagram settings page showing the “Privacy” option highlighted in red

After arriving on the settings page of Instagram, search for the “Privacy” option and select it. That’s where you’ll be able to stop strangers from messaging you.

5. Select “Messages

Instagram Privacy page where the "Messages" option is highlighted in red
Instagram Privacy page where the “Messages” option is highlighted in red

Did you open the Privacy page yet? This is where you can control how you interact with the public on Instagram.

Who gets to mention you, comment on your posts, see your story, and so on. Look for the “Messages‘ option and select it.

6. Select “Others on Instagram

Instagram "Message controls" page where the "Others on Instagram" option is highlighted in red
Instagram “Message controls” page where the “Others on Instagram” option is highlighted in red

On the “Message controls” page, you’ll see three options:

  • Your followers on Instagram
  • Others on Instagram
  • Who can add you to groups

Next to the first two options, you’ll see that the “Requests” option is selected. This means that both your followers and strangers can send you message requests.

Select “Others on Instagram” to change that.

7. Check the “Don’t receive requests” option

Instagram "Others on Instagram" page where the "Don't receive requests" option is highlighted in red
Instagram “Others on Instagram” page where the “Don’t receive requests” option is highlighted in red

On the “Others on Instagram” page, you’ll see two options:

  • Message requests
  • Don’t receive requests

The first option allows strangers to message you, but the second doesn’t. Check the “Don’t receive requests” so that strangers can’t message you on Instagram.

That’s it. Now, you won’t ever receive another message from strangers on Instagram.

Leave a comment below if you have any questions!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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