Are you suddenly unable to see someone’s Snap Score on Snapchat?
This is one of the most common problems a Snapchat user usually reports.
You may even be able to chat with them and send them snaps.
But their Snap Score doesn’t show no matter what you do.
Why can I Snapchat someone but not see their score?
- They didn’t add you as a friend
- They removed you as a friend
- They blocked you
In this article, you’ll learn why that happens, so read below to find out how!
Summary: In this article, I address a common issue Snapchat users face: being unable to see someone's Snap Score.
The Snap Score reflects the total number of snaps sent and received by a user. If you can't see a friend's Snap Score, there are three possible reasons: they haven't added you as a friend, they have removed you as a friend, or they have blocked you.
This article explains these scenarios in detail to help you understand why you might be unable to see someone's Snap Score on Snapchat, even if you can still communicate with them.
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Why Can’t You See Someone’s Snap Score?
First off, what is a Snapchat Score?
The Snap Score represents the number of days you’ve maintained a Snap Streak.
It shows that you and your friend have been sending each other snaps daily for a set period.
If you can’t see someone’s Snapchat Score, it means that they didn’t add you as a friend, removed you, or blocked you.
You can only see the Snap Score of a friend.
Let’s take every potential cause and explain it:
- They didn’t add you as a friend

When you send someone a friend request, they’ll need to accept it if you want to see their Snapchat Score.
If they accept your friend request, you can see their snap score on their profile.

If they don’t add you back as a friend, then you won’t be able to see their snap score.
So, when you open their profile, you’ll see everything except their Snap Score.

You’ll need to wait for them to accept your friend request.
Then, you should see their Snapchat Score without a problem.
- They removed you as a friend
Another reason you might not see a person’s Snap Score is if they removed you as a friend from their Snapchat account.
You were already friends, and you could see their Snap Score before.
But for some reason, they decided to unfriend you.
The Snapchat app will hide their Snap Score from you if they do that.
You’ll still be able to send them messages normally, though. However, all your messages and snaps will show the “Pending” status.
It won’t show “Delivered” or “Opened”.
Moreover, the other person’s username won’t have a blue arrow under it.
There’s a catch, though. At the moment of writing, if the other person added you as a friend and you managed to see their Snapchat Score, you’ll still see it if they unfriend you.
It would stay invisible if you didn’t see their Snap Score before they unfriended you.
Though, it’ll be a static Snapchat Score. You won’t see any changes to it even if the other person keeps the Streak going.
- They blocked you
If someone blocks you on Snapchat, you won’t be able to find their profile at all.
Their Snap Score will disappear along with the profile.

You can do the same with a friend of yours. If you block them, they won’t be able to find your profile and send a friend request.
Your Snap Score will also become invisible to them.
Searching for their username on the Snapchat app will net no results either. The platform will hide that person from you.
It’s not surprising that you don’t know much about the Snapchat Score’s visibility to others on Snapchat.
The official guides don’t say much about it if anything at all.
You won’t be able to see someone’s Snap Score if they unfriend you, forget to add you back as a friend, or block you.
These are the only three possibilities if you can’t see someone’s Snapchat Score on Snapchat, but you can talk to them.
Can everyone see your Snap Score on Snapchat?
Only your friends can see your Snap Score.
Anyone else will see your profile, but certain information will be hidden.
Your Snap Score is part of this hidden information.
Many believe that the Snapchat Score is public and visible to anyone, but that’s not true.
They may send you a friend request, but until you accept it, they can’t see your Snap Score.
It’s the same for you as it is for other people.
Why can’t I see someone’s Snap Score go up?
There are several reasons for this.
Either they deleted the app and no longer use it or got bored with it.
If someone loses interest in the app, they won’t send snaps and maintain Snap Streaks.
Their Snapchat Score won’t go up either.
They could also have lost their phone, making them unable to send snaps.
If you want to know the truth, contact them on other social media accounts and ask them.
Not being able to see the Snapchat Score go up doesn’t mean the other person has blocked you, though.
How long does it take for Snap Score to update?
Some users see the Snap Score changing immediately after they send snaps or maintain a Snap Streak.
But others will have to wait for several hours or even days before their Snap Score updates.
This is especially true if you look at other people’s Snap Scores.
Usually, your Snap Score will update most times immediately.
Sometimes, it might take up to a week for the score to update if the servers are especially busy.
You can get around this issue by uninstalling and reinstalling the app.
This will automatically update the Snap Score with the latest changes.
You can try remembering the number of snaps you sent and keeping tabs on your Snap Score.