Keep Your Data Consumption in Check: Here’s How Much Discord Uses

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Written by: Alex Popa


Keep Your Data Consumption in Check: Here’s How Much Discord Uses

Discord uses a bit more data than other messaging apps, mainly due to its voice and video features.

Here’s a list of data consumption per hour, in case you wanted one:

  • ~20 Mbps on texts
  • ~6-20 Mbps on voice calls
  • ~1-125 Mbps on uploaded files
  • ~5-50 Mbps on downloaded files
  • ~200-350 Mbps on video calls

Discord’s text chat uses about 1KB of data per text message sent, and about 1.2MB of data per minute of voice chat.

Your data usage on Discord depends on how you use the app. Mainly texts with a few calls sprinkled in, mainly voice chat, and video streaming?

Fortunately, I can show you where you can check Discord’s date usage on your computer. Read through my guide below for step-by-step instructions!

Where Can I See Discord’s Data Consumption?

You’ll be able to see the data consumption across your apps and desktop processes from the Settings (Control Panel), the “Network & Internet” section.

Just follow along with my instructions to see what you need to do:

1. Click the Windows button

Windows 10 desktop showing the Windows button highlighted in red
Windows 10 desktop showing the Windows button highlighted in red

First step – click the Windows button in the bottom-left corner of your desktop. Check the screenshot above to see where it’s located.

2. Select the Gear icon

Windows 10 taskbar menu showing the "Settings" (gear) icon highlighted
Windows 10 taskbar menu showing the “Settings” (gear) icon highlighted

3. Go to “Network & Internet

Windows 10 settings where the "Network & Internet" option is highlighted in red
Windows 10 settings where the “Network & Internet” option is highlighted in red

Good, now that you’ve opened Settings (the former Control Panel), find the “Network & Internet” option and give it a click.

You’ll see it in the screenshot above 😀

4. Go to “Status” and select “Data usage

Windows 10 "Network & Internet" settings page where the "Status" menu is selected on the left, and the "Data usage" option is highlighted under the current internet connection
Windows 10 “Network & Internet” settings page where the “Status” menu is selected on the left, and the “Data usage” option is highlighted under the current internet connection

You’ve reached the network page yet? Yep, it’s the image above. Make sure you select the “Status” menu on the left-hand sidebar first.

Then, look for the “Data usage” option under your Ethernet connection.

5. Search for Discord

Data usage page showing the Discord apps highlighted in red
Data usage page showing the Discord apps highlighted in red

Good, you’re finally here. This page will show you an the overall data usage PER APP during the last 30 DAYS.

Scroll down until you see find the Discord app (sometimes, there may be two of them) and check out its internet usage.

Then, divide that number by 30 to get the daily data usage for Discord. In my case, after adding up the data usage for the two Discord apps, I get 827Mbps, which equals to 27.6Mbps per day.

Disclaimer – I almost never use Discord, so my data consumption is not an accurate representation of the average data consumption.

Check Discord’s Data Consumption on a Mobile Device

Using Discord on a mobile device and you wanna find out its data usage? Luckily, you’ve got me. Follow my steps, and you’ll get this done quickly:

1. Hold-tap on the Discord app

Android app list showing the "Discord" app highlighted in red
Android app list showing the “Discord” app highlighted in red

The quickest way of seeing Discord’s data usage is to open your app list and hold-tap on Discord, when you find it.

2. Select “App info

Android app list showing Discord's settings once you hold-tap on it
Android app list showing Discord’s settings once you hold-tap on it

Hold-tapping on Discord will show several options and one of them should be “App Info“. Select that to open Discord’s settings.

Remember, your phone might be different and the menu you get when hold-tapping on Discord may look different.

But the “App info” option should be somewhere around there 😀

3. Go to “Data usage

Discord App Info page where the "Data usage" option is highlighted in red
Discord App Info page where the “Data usage” option is highlighted in red

Reached the App Info page yet? You’ll know you’re there when you see Discord’s name and icon at the very top, followed by various options like “Open“, “Close“, “Uninstall“, and so on (something like in the image above).

Look for the “Data usage” option somewhere on this page and select it. That’s where you’ll need to go next.

4. Check Discord’s data usage

Discord Data Usage page showing the app’s daily data usage

Here you are – this page (the one above) will show you how much data Discord consumes per day. Remember, this is a daily report.

I’ve just installed Discord to make this guide (I don’t use it on my phone), so the total data consumption is 0. In your case, it’ll be a different value.

That’s about all I can say about Discord’s data usage. If you use it as a messaging app, it’ll use about as much data as other messaging services.

However, things change when you get into a call or stream a game. The data consumption will jump through the roof.

In any case, leave a question below if you need help with anything else or if you’re confused about any of the steps above!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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