Share Your Discord Server with Everyone: Here’s How to Make It Public

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Written by: Alex Popa


Share Your Discord Server with Everyone: Here’s How to Make It Public

Did you make a Discord server but… no one’s joining it? Well, that’s because it’s not public yet. You see, when you first create a server, it’s private by default. You get to choose when you make it public.

Here’s how you can make a Discord server public:

  1. Open your server
  2. Click on the server’s name
  3. Select “Server settings
  4. Select “Enable Community
  5. Click “Get Started
  6. Go through the entire process

Follow my guide below, and you’ll have a public server ready to welcome its first members in no time. Just a few steps before that, though. Keep reading 😀

1. Select your server

Discord desktop app showing my server icon highlighted on the left-hand side menu
Discord desktop app showing my server icon highlighted on the left-hand side menu

Alright, first things first – open Discord, log in if necessary, and then select your server from the left-hand side menu.

I’m assuming the server is already created, so you don’t need instructions on how to do that. Then, select your server just like I do in the screenshot above!

2. Click on the server’s name

Discord server page showing the server's name highlighted in the top-left corner
Discord server page showing the server’s name highlighted in the top-left corner

Once you select the server’s page, you’ll see a list of the channels a bit to the right. Now look up – you should see the server’s name there (check the screenshot above).

Click on it!

3. Select “Server Settings

Discord server page showing the "Server Settings" option highlighted in red
Discord server page showing the “Server Settings” option highlighted in red

Did ya click on the server’s name as I said? Then a drop-down menu should have opened, like in the screenshot above.

See the “Server Settings” option? It has a gear icon next to it. Yep, that one – click it.

4. Go to “Enable Community

Discord settings page where the "Enable Community" option is highlighted in red
Discord settings page where the “Enable Community” option is highlighted in red

You should have reached the settings page by now. On the left-hand side, you’ll see a menu with a boatload of options.

Scroll through it until you find the “Enable Community” option (check the screenshot above for more info). Once you find it, select it.

Then, look below:

5. Select “Get Started

Discord "Community" page showing the "Get Started" button in blue highlighted
Discord “Community” page showing the “Get Started” button in blue highlighted

Good, now you should have selected “Enable Community“, and you’ll see the Community page in the middle of the Discord app. Yep, like in the screenshot above.

Next, select “Get Started” to start the process!

6. Select a verification level and a media content filter

Discord community process showing the first step (verification level + media content filter) where the "Next" button is highlighted
Discord community process showing the first step (verification level + media content filter) where the “Next” button is highlighted

This is the first step of making your server public. Here, you’ll choose the verification level and the explicit media content filter.

By default, members will have to verify their email addresses, and the media content filter will scan the media content from all members automatically.

If you agree, select “Next” to continue!

7. Create Rules and Community Updates Channels

Discord community process showing the second step (rules channel + community updates channel) where the "Next" button is highlighted
Discord community process showing the second step (rules channel + community updates channel) where the “Next” button is highlighted

The second step will let you create a rules/guidelines channel and a community updates channel. You can select to create these channels just for you or the entire community (recommended).

Once you’re done, select “Next

8. Select “Agree” and then “Next

Discord community process showing the third step where the “ I agree and understand” box and the “Finish Setup” buttons are highlighted

This is the last step – you’re almost there. Just check the “I agree and understand” box and then select “Finish Setup“.

And…you’re done. Close the Discord settings and just wait for members to come pouring in. Let me know in the comments below if you need help with anything else!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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