Comprehensive Social Media Guide of Germany in 2023

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Written by: Alex Popa


Comprehensive Social Media Guide of Germany in 2023

This is the sixth part of the comprehensive social media guides series. The other parts are, in order:

In this guide, I’ll be analyzing the state of social media in Germany in 2023. First, here are the main highlights of the article:


  • There are 70.90 million social media users in Germany in 2023
  • 85.1% is how many social media users are vs. Germany’s total population
  • 89.9% is how many 18+ social media users are vs. the total 18+ population in Germany
  • 91.4% is how media social media users are vs. the total internet users in Germany
  • 1 hour and 41 minutes is the average time spent daily on social media in Germany
  • 5.3 is the average number of social media platforms used by users every month
  • 49.7% is how many male social media users are vs. the total social media users in Germany
  • 50.3% is how many female social media users are vs. the total social media users in Germany
  • In the 13-34 years old age category, there are more male users of Meta Platforms than female ones. And in the 44-64 age category, the female users outnumber the male ones
  • In the 65+ age category, it seems there are as many men and women users of Meta Platforms
  • 45.7% of all German social media users are using social media to keep in touch with friends and family, this being the main reason to get on these platforms
  • 40.1% of all German social media users called WhatsApp their favorite social media platform
  • 82% of all German social media users use WhatsApp
  • 23 hours and 42 minutes is the monthly usage of TikTok in Germany. This makes TikTok the most used social media platform in the world, on a monthly basis
  • 31% of German internet users prefer using classic social networks when doing brand research, out of all other types of social platforms
  • Only 7.7% of German internet users will use pinboards like Pinterest to do brand research
  • 45.7% of all German social media users follow accounts of friends, family, and people they know
  • 58.4% is how much external web traffic Facebook sends to third-party websites in Germany via links on the platform
  • 24.5 million users are Facebook’s ad audience reach in Germany in 2023
  • 75.48% is the share of link posts out of the total post types on Facebook in Germany as of 2023. It’s the highest type of post on Facebook right now
  • 29.4% is the Facebook ad reach for the total population
  • 31.6% is the Facebook ad reach for the total internet users
  • 2.26 is the average number of Facebook posts per day in Germany
  • 70.9 million users are YouTube’s ad audience reach in Germany in 2023
  • 85.1% is YouTube’s ad reach for the total population
  • 91.4% is YouTube’s ad reach for the total internet users in the country
  • Music was the most searched term on YouTube for all of 2022 in Germany
  • 27.45 million users are Instagram’s total ad reach
  • 32.9% is Instagram’s ad reach for the total population
  • 35.4% is Instagram’s ad reach for the total internet users
  • 20.65 million users are TikTok’s total ad reach
  • 24.8% is TikTok’s ad reach for Germany’s total population
  • 26.6% is TikTok’s ad reach for Germany’s total internet users
  • 14.15 million users are Messenger’s total ad reach
  • 17% is Messenger’s ad reach for Germany’s total population
  • 18.3% is Messenger’s ad reach for Germany’s total internet users
  • 15 million users are LinkedIn’s total ad reach
  • 18% is LinkedIn’s ad reach for the total population
  • 19.3% is LinkedIn’s ad reach for the total internet users
  • 17.45 million is Snapchat’s total ad reach
  • 20.9% is Snapchat’s ad reach for the total population
  • 22.5% is Snapchat’s ad reach for the total internet users
  • 14.10 million is Twitter’s total ad reach in Germany
  • 16.9% is Twitter’s ad reach for the total population
  • 18.2% is Twitter’s ad reach for the total internet users
  • 15.88 million is Pinterest’s total ad reach in Germany
  • 19.1% is Pinterest’s ad reach for the total population
  • 20.5% is Pinterest’s ad reach for the total internet users

Alright, now I’ll give you a rundown of the sections we’ll be going through:


I. General Overview of Social Media Use

II. Demographic Profile Meta’s Ad Audience

III. Main Reasons for Using Social Media

IV. Most Used Social Media Platforms

V. Favorite Social Media Platforms

VI. Time Spent Using Social Media Apps

VII. Usage of Social Media for Brand Research

VIII. Types of Social Media Accounts Followed

IX. Web Traffic Referrals from Social Media

X. Facebook Ad Audience Overview

XI. Share of Facebook Posts by Post Type & Engagement

XII. YouTube Ad Audience Overview

XIII. Top YouTube Searches

XIV. Instagram Ad Audience Overview

XV. TikTok Ad Audience Overview

XVI. Facebook Messenger Ad Audience Overview

XVII. LinkedIn Ad Audience Overview

XVIII. Snapchat Ad Audience Overview

XIX. Twitter Ad Audience Overview

XX. Pinterest Ad Audience Overview

That’s quite the list we have to go through, so let’s not waste any more time and get started!

Section I: Overview of Social Media Use in Germany

For starters, I’ll show you some general statistics on social media in Germany. Take a look below:

  • Number of social media users – 70.90 million
  • Social media users vs. total population – 85.1%
  • Social media users aged 18+ vs. total population aged 18+ – 89.9%
  • Social media users vs. total internet users – 91.4%
  • Average time spent using social media each day – 1 hour and 41 minutes
  • The average number of social media platforms used each month – 5.3
  • Male social media users vs. total social media users – 49.7%
  • Female social media users vs. total social media users – 50.3%

Around three-quarters of Germany’s entire population is connected to social media, it seems. Depending on how you view it, that may be good or bad.

The statistic is even higher for social media users vs. the total number of internet users, at 91.4%.

So, there are more people in Germany who use the internet but don’t use social media than people who don’t use the Internet at all.

Based on my calculations, there should be around 6.67 (ish) million people who use the internet but don’t use social media and 5.7 million people who don’t use the internet at all in Germany.

As for the rest of the stats, they’re pretty basic. Let’s move on to the next section!

Section II: Demographic Profile of Meta’s Ad Audience in Germany

In this section, I’ll show you the overall demographic of all Meta users (including Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger) based on their age and gender.

Here’s the chart:

13-17 Years Old1.6%1.5%
18-24 Years Old10.9%9.5%
25-34 Years Old13.8%13.3%
35-44 Years Old9.8%10.4%
45-54 Years Old6.8%7.4%
55-64 Years Old4.8%5.2%
65+ Years Old2.5%2.5%

In the 13-34 years old age category, there are more male users of Meta Platforms than female ones. And in the 44-64 age category, the female users outnumber the male ones.

In the 65+ age category, it seems there are as many men as women users of Meta Platforms. Things will get equalized after a certain age, apparently.

This tells me that, after a certain age, either men lose interest in Facebook or more women become interested in Facebook. And it all reaches a balance when people are really old.

Section III: Main Reasons for Using Social Media in Germany

Why do German people use social media? What are their reasons and how many of them identify with these reasons?

Let’s see below:

Reason for Using Social Media% of People Who Identify with a Reason
Keeping in Touch with Friends and Family45.7%
Reading News Stories37.9%
Filling Spare Time31.6%
Finding Content 26.2%
Finding Inspiration for Things to Do and Buy24.5%
Finding Products to Purchase19.1%
Seeing What’s Being Talked About18.9%
Finding Like-Minded Communities18.6%
Making New Contacts17.9%
Sharing and Discussing Opinions17.5%
Posting About Your Life15.9%
Avoiding Missing Out (FOMO)15.4%
Following Influencers or Celebrities14.9%
Watching or Following Sports14.1%
Seeing Content from Brands12.5%

German social media users are most interested in maintaining contact with friends and family on social media, it seems. This is the most common reason among all social media users in the world.

Next, it seems that a large majority of them (37.9%) like reading the news on social media, and 31.6% are only using social media to fill up their spare time.

The rest consists of the most common reasons that you’ve seen in my other country-based guides. There’s not really anything too unique about German social media users in this regard.

If anything, German social media users stick to the norm and don’t veer too much from it, regarding their reasons for being on these platforms.

Section IV: Most Used Social Media Platforms in Germany

Let’s see which social media platform appeals the most to German users. And a list of the most popular platforms based on the percentage of users who use them:

Social Media Platform% of People Who Use It
Facebook Messenger37.3%

Incredible. Most of the German social media users are using WhatsApp primarily, an astounding 82% of the 16-64-aged internet users.

61% of users are using Facebook and 57.3% of them are using Instagram. Then, the usage starts to drop below 40% once we get to Facebook Messenger and the rest.

The least used social media platform in Germany is Discord, with only 10.4% of all internet users using it monthly.

Even TikTok only has a 33.6% usage, which doesn’t surprise me all that much anymore. Across every country I’ve looked at, TikTok was never at the top of the most popular social media platforms.

We can safely conclude that German internet users are more focused on quick and efficient communication without additional distractions when it comes to social media. WhatsApp is often used for work communication, so we might say that most German internet users are working individuals.

But then again, WhatsApp isn’t only used for work. It’s just a great messaging app that can help you maintain contact with your friends and family without all the distractions of more traditional platforms like Facebook.

Section V: Favorite Social Media Platforms in Germany

In this section, I’ll show you the social media platforms that German users voted as their “favorite” from all others. So, this shows the personal preference of users for social media platforms.

Cue the chart:

Social Media Platform% of People Who Voted for a Platform
Facebook Messenger1.2%

The vast majority of German social media users said that WhatsApp is their favorite social media platform, which is to be expected from the last chart.

WhatsApp has such a vast lead against all other social media platforms that the next on the list, Instagram, was only favored by 17% of social media users. An entire 23% worse than WhatsApp.

TikTok was only favored by 7.2% of all German social media users, so it isn’t looking good at all. And from TikTok onward, the results look even more depressing.

Twitter only has 2% of the social media user base on its side, calling it their favorite platform. I mean, what can you like that much about Twitter that you can’t find anywhere else, plus other great features?

Facebook Messenger, which is also a messaging app like WhatsApp, was favored by only 1.2% of all German social media users, so it’s around 34 times less popular than WhatsApp in Germany.

Section VI: Time Spent Using Social Media Apps in Germany

This statistic might surprise you because WhatsApp is no longer the most popular in terms of usage. Not by a longshot, in fact.

Here’s the data:

PlatformMonthly User UsageYear-on-Year Change
TikTok23 hours and 42 minutes+0.4% (6 minutes)
WhatsApp11 hours-3.5% (24 minutes)
YouTube10 hours and 48 minutes-4.4% (30 minutes)
Facebook10 hours and 36 minutes-3.6% (24 minutes)
Instagram8 hours and 30 minutesUnchanged

So, TikTok is the most used platform in Germany per month, with a usage of 23 hours and 42 minutes. Almost an entire day in a month is dedicated to TikTok, on average.

Next comes WhatsApp with “only” 11 hours of usage per month. As you can see, TikTok has around 2.2 more monthly usage than WhatsApp, the next on the list.

This clearly shows that people would rather spend time on TikTok, rather than WhatsApp, which does make sense. After all, WhatsApp is only a messaging app with almost zero social media features.

TikTok, on the other hand, shows user-created content, and that says it all.

What’s fascinating to me is that Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram have a smaller monthly usage than WhatsApp. It’s not too big a difference (except for Instagram), but it’s there.

German social media users are using WhatsApp, a messaging app, more than they use classic social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

I think we can all agree that a large part of this usage comes from WhatsApp’s excellent messaging service which basically replaces phone calls, and SMS texts, and helps you maintain contact with people in a streamlined experience.

Section VII: Use of Social Media for Brand Research in Germany

Let’s see what platforms German users prefer when doing brand research, either to buy something or find more information about products.

Here’s the chart:

Platform% of Users Using It for Brand ResearchYear-on-Year Change
Any Type of Social Media Platform51.4%+8.2%
Social Networks31%+11.5%
Question & Answer Sites (e.g. Quora)10.6%-5.4%
Forums and Message Boards 7.6%-9.5%
Messaging and Live Chat Services5.3%+1.9%
Micro-Blogs (e.g. Twitter)4.6%+4.5%
Online Pinboards (e.g. Pinterest)7.7%+4.1%

Aside from the obvious, which is that most users will use “any” social media platform to do brand research, it seems that classic social media networks are the most popular. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram.

Then, Quora-type platforms are the most popular (10.6% of users), though still a far cry from the 31% of users who use classic social media platforms for brand research.

Micro-blogs like Twitter are the worst, with only 4.6% of users doing brand research on them. Even pinboards like Pinterest are better (7.7% of users).

Even more important is the fact that most of these social media platforms have seen more and more users do their brand research on them, year after year.

The only ones who lost users were answer sites like Quora and forums/message boards. Probably because of the low-quality advice given there by random folks.

Section VIII: Types of Social Media Accounts Followed in Germany

We’ve looked at the most common reasons why German users use social media. But now, we’ll see what types of accounts they follow on social media.

This will tell us more about their particular interests and the way they use social media. Take a look at the chart below:

Type of Account Followed% of People Who Follow an Account
Friends, Family and People You Know45.7%
Bands, Singers, or Musicians25.9%
Actors, Comedians, or Other Performers23.3%
Influencers or Other Experts19%
Sports People and Teams17.8%
Brands You Purchase17.6%
TV Shows or Channels16.8%
Restaurants, Chefs, or Foodies15.5%
Entertainment, Memes, or Parody Accounts15.2%
Events You’re Attending14.5%
Brands You’re Considering Purchasing14.3%
Wildlife Organizations or Animals13.4%
Journalists or News Companies12.2%
Magazines or Publications You Read11.9%
Fitness Experts or Organizations11.6%

Just like I expected, the most common accounts followed by German social media users are those of friends, family, and people they know. It’s quite simple, really. People use social media to connect and stay connected.

Then, you have personal interests like music, games, movies, comedy, and sports, which manifests in people you follow on social media. If you like a certain brand and plan to buy something from them, you may follow its social media account to learn more. Maybe you get a discount.

There’s nothing exciting with the rest of this data, though. German social media users follow the same accounts as users from other countries. Just in different numbers.

Section IX: Web Traffic Referrals from Social Media in Germany

In this section, you’ll see how much traffic social media platforms are sending to third-party websites through clicks/taps on links.

Let’s look at the data we have:

Social Media Platform% of Web Traffic Referrals SentYear-on-Year Change

Facebook, as always, sends the most traffic out of every social media platform out there, and its advantage is vastly superior. The next on the list, Instagram, only sends 13.69% of the traffic, while Facebook sends a whopping 58.84%.

However, Instagram has seen a 219.9% increase in web traffic referrals over the years, and this might signify the changing times.

LinkedIn has also met with a 132% increase in web traffic referrals over the years, while the rest have either seen smaller increases or decreases.

I’m quite surprised that there’s traffic coming from VKontakte on third-party German websites, though it seems that number has been decreasing over the years. Now, it sits at 0.12% of the total web traffic referrals.

In the next sections, I’ll be looking at individual social media platforms and assessing their performance/impact on the German public. Keep reading!

Section X: Facebook Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Let’s take a look at Facebook’s advertising stats and see how the company is doing in Germany. Here’s the data I could find:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Reach of Facebook Ads24.5 million users
Facebook Ad Reach Vs. Total Population29.4%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Facebook Ad Reach-2% / -500,000 users
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Facebook Ad Reach-4.9% / -1.3 million users
Facebook Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users31.6%
Facebook Ad Reach vs. Population Aged 13+33.5%
Female Facebook Ad Reach vs. Total Facebook Ad Reach50.4%
Male Facebook Ad Reach vs. Total Facebook Ad Reach49.6%

Facebook ads are reaching 24.5 million users, which is around 29.4% of Germany’s entire population. That isn’t too impressive, if you ask me, at least when it comes to its reach vs. the total population.

24.5 million users are still a lot by any standard, and this emphasizes the large potential of Facebook as one of the best advertising platforms.

Moreover, it seems that Facebook has been losing its ad audience over the years. The year-over-year loss is 1.3 million users or 4.9% out of their total reach.

Facebook also has a balanced gender distribution among its ad audience, which makes it perfect for ads that target both genders.

Lastly, Facebook is very attractive to people aged 13+ based on this data. The younger demographics are a good target for many advertisers, and it seems that Facebook is the right platform to find this type of audience.

All in all, I’ll say that Facebook embodies the ideal social media platform in terms of its advertising potential. There’s no better platform for promoting your services/brand/products.

Section XI: Share of Facebook Posts by Post Type & Engagement in Germany

Let’s see the share of post types that users on Facebook are posting, from photos and videos to links and status posts.

Here’s the data:

Post Type% of Posts of a Certain Type
Photo Posts14.18%
Video Posts10.30%
Link Posts75.48%
Status Posts0.04%

All in all, people post around 2.25 posts per day, and 75.48% of those are link posts, which are any type of post with a link in it.

The next most used posts are photo posts, then video posts, and finally, status posts, which are essentially non-existent.

You would have thought that photo posts would be very popular on Facebook but they pale in comparison to link posts, it seems.

Three-quarters of Facebook users will include some sort of link in their posts, and this makes sense, given the open nature of the internet.

That’s all for Facebook! Next, we’ll be looking at YouTube’s ad results and formulate a couple of conclusions based on them.

Section XII: YouTube Ad Audience Overview in Germany

YouTube is the biggest streaming platform there is, so its ad data should be illuminating, to say the least. Let’s see what we’re working with:

Assessment CategoryValue
Potential Ad Reach of Ads on YouTube70.90 million
YouTube Ad Reach vs. Total Population85.1%
YouTube Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users91.4%
Year-on-Year Change in Reported YouTube Ad Reach-2.3% / 1.7 million
YouTube’s Ad Reach for Users Aged 18+62.4 million
YouTube’s Ad Reach 18+ for Population Aged 18+89.9%
Female Ad Reach 18+ vs. Total Population 18+50.3%
Male Ad Reach 18+ vs. Total Population 18+49.7%

YouTube is in a much better position than Facebook in terms of its ad reach. The streaming platform is used by 85.1% of Germany’s entire population and 91.4% of all internet users in Germany.

Compare that to Facebook’s 29.4% ad reach vs. total population and you’ll see how YouTube is in a league of its own.

YouTube also captures the attention of its younger users a lot more efficiently, and at a greater scale, compared to Facebook (89.9% for users aged 18+ on YouTube vs. 33.5% for users aged 13+ on Facebook).

Regarding gender usage disparity, there’s barely any. Women seem to be using the platform a bit more than men, but the difference is almost non-existent. Same as with Facebook.

Still, YouTube has been losing ad reach over since last year, just like Facebook. However, even in this department, YouTube’s loss was less than half that of Facebook.

Section XIII: Top 20 YouTube Searches in Germany

Curious about the most popular searches on YouTube as of 2023? Yeah, so was I. So, here are the top 20 searches on the platform:

PopularityYouTube SearchIndex
1. Music100
2. Musik71
3. Minecraft56
10.7 Vs. Wild32

Music was the most popular search term on YouTube for the entirety of 2022, apparently, followed by a bad spelling of the same word, weirdly enough.

Others on the list include Minecraft, ASMR, Roblox, Ukraine, and so on. These are things you would expect, given their popularity or impact on the lives of YouTube users.

Most of these searches are in the entertainment niche, with music, Minecraft, Fortnite, songs, Roblox, and others like it.

Others are in the health niche (workout), while others are political and/or social (Ukraine). And others are unknown to me since I don’t know the terms (horspiel, kinderlieder, paluten, 7 vs. wild, zadruga, welt).

Section XIV: Instagram Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Let’s see how Instagram fares in terms of its ad results in Germany in 2023. Here’s the data I was able to find:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Reach of Instagram Ads27.45 million
Instagram Ad Reach vs. Total Population32.9%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Instagram Ad Reach-2.7% / 750,000
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Instagram Ad Reach-8% / 2.4 million
Instagram Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users35.4%
Instagram Ad Reach vs. Population Aged 13+37.5%
Female Instagram Ad Reach vs. Total Reach50.4%
Male Instagram Ad reach vs. Total Reach49.6%

Instagram doesn’t impress through its ad data either. It’s very similar to Facebook and, in fact, it has a bigger ad audience than Facebook.

Instagram has an ad audience of 27.45 million while Facebook’s ad audience was 24.5 in Germany as of 2023. That’s a difference of 3 million users, which is not small at all.

Instagram also has a bigger ad reach vs. Germany’s total population (32.9% vs. 29.4% on Facebook), and the same goes for the ad reach vs. total internet users (35.4% vs. 31.6% on Facebook).

Finally, Instagram has also been losing some ad audience in the last year, totaling 2.4 million users (-8%), which is a bigger loss than both YouTube and Facebook combined.

It seems that decreases in ad reach are a generalized problem rather than a specific issue with certain platforms. In recent times, social media has been losing ad audiences left and right but they’ll recover as they always do.

Section XV: TikTok Ad Audience Overview in Germany

TikTok is not the new kid on the block anymore. It had enough time to stabilize itself in the social media ecosystem. So, let’s see how its ad data looks:

Assessment CategoryValue
Potential Ad reach of TikTok Ads (18+)20.65 million
TikTok Ad Reach 18+ vs. Total Population24.8%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported TikTok Ad Reach+39% / 5.8 million
Year-on-Year Change in Reported TikTok Ad Reach+21.5% / 3.7 million
TikTok Ad Reach Age 18+ vs. Total Internet Users26.6%
TikTok Ad Reach Age 18+ vs. Population Age 18+29.7%
Female TikTok Ad Reach vs. Total TikTok Ad Reach51%
Male TikTok Ad Reach vs. Total TikTok Ad Reach49%

So far, TikTok is going the worst in terms of its ad reach. It only reaches 24.8% of Germany’s total 18+ population, which is worse than Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

However, TikTok’s quarter-on-quarter and year-on-year change in ad reach are positive, compared to YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram.

The platform has gained 5.8 million users quarterly and 3.7 yearly, which is a very impressive result. It seems that TikTok is far from having achieved market saturation.

I estimate that it will beat Instagram and Facebook soon because the short-video format is gaining more and more traction as time passes.

Section XVI: Facebook Messenger Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Facebook Messenger belongs to the mighty Meta Family and is a subsidiary of Facebook. Let’s see how the messaging app fares in terms of its ad results:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Ad Reach on Messenger14.15 million
Messenger Ad Reach vs. Total Population17%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Messenger Ad Reach-2.4% / 350,000
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Messenger Ad Reach-1.4% / 200,000
Messenger Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users18.3%
Messenger Ad Reach vs. 13+ Population19.3%
Female Messenger Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach50.5%
Male Messenger Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach49.5%

Messenger is just behind TikTok, with 14.15 million users that their ads can reach. It reaches around 17% of Germany’s total population and 19.3% of the total number of internet users.

These are the worst results we’ve seen so far but there are still other platforms to look at, and generally, those at the very bottom most of the time.

Messenger will never be too popular because it’s just not good enough. It’s not a standalone messaging app, for one. Because it is intrinsically linked to Facebook, many users might not find it appealing.

Compared to WhatsApp, which is a standalone (and more private) messaging app, there’s just no comparison. But that’s just my view.

Section XVII: LinkedIn Ad Audience Overview in Germany

LinkedIn has become ever-popular these last few years, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic when work-at-home jobs became the new norm.

Did it increase its user base, though? Let’s see:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Ad Reach on LinkedIn15 million
LinkedIn Ad Reach vs. Total Population18%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported LinkedIn Ad Reach+7.1% / 1 million
Year-on-Year Change in Reported LinkedIn Ad Reach+15.4% / 2 million
LinkedIn Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users19.3%
LinkedIn Ad Reach vs. 18+ Population21.6%
Female LinkedIn Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach38.8%
Male LinkedIn Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach61.2%

Indeed, LinkedIn has grown its user base both quarterly and yearly. In fact, the yearly increase in ad reach is second only to Twitter and TikTok.

One thing to note about LinkedIn is that the majority of its userbase consists of men (61.2%), which goes to show that either:

  • Women don’t need LinkedIn to find jobs
  • Women aren’t as interested in the social aspect of professional life
  • Women don’t care too much about advancing professionally through LinkedIn
  • Women don’t find LinkedIn appealing

There could be any one of these reasons, so we can’t know for sure.

What is clear is that LinkedIn has turned over a new page and appears to be becoming the center stage for professional networking.

Section XVIII: Snapchat Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Snapchat hasn’t really shined lately but this time, it seems that the platform has started doing things differently. Their ad audience has grown in the last period quite a lot.

Have a look at the data:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Ad Reach on Snapchat17.45 million
Snapchat Ad Reach vs. Total Population20.9%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Snapchat Ad Reach+8% / 1.3 million
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Snapchat Ad Reach+14.1% / 2.2 million
Snapchat Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users22.5%
Snapchat Ad Reach vs. 13+ Population23.8%
Female Snapchat Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach55.3%
Male Snapchat Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach44.3%

As you can see, Snapchat has grown its user base by 2.2 million in the last year, which is a massive increase by any standards.

They’re reaching around 20.9% of Germany’s entire population, which is a whole 17.45 million people. With that many users, their ad revenue is sure to skyrocket as well.

Aside from LinkedIn, Snapchat is the first platform with a bigger male-to-female user ratio, so far. The user base is 55% female and 44% male, more or less.

But the next two platforms (Twitter and Pinterest) will have an even bigger disparity between genders. Keep reading!

Section XIX: Twitter Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Twitter has experienced the biggest increase in users I have seen to date in such a short period of time. Here’s the data:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Ad Reach on Twitter14.10 million
Twitter Ad Reach vs. Total Population16.9%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Twitter Ad Reach+23.1% / 2.7 million
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Twitter Ad Reach+81.9% / 6.4 million
Twitter Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users18.2%
Twitter Ad Reach vs. 13+ Population19.3%
Female Twitter Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach27.9%
Male Twitter Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach72.1%

Twitter’s year-over-year increase in ad reach is 81.9%, which means an increase of 6.4 million users. It nearly doubled its user base in a single year, in other words.

Currently, Twitter is reaching 16.9% of Germany’s entire population and 19.3% of all internet users in the country. It’s not much, indeed, but what is impressive is its ad reach growth in such a short period of time.

Most of Twitter’s users are men, as well – 72.1%. This goes to show that the platform isn’t that attractive to women, for one reason or the other.

I would argue that women don’t find political debates that appealing, and that’s more than understandable (I feel the same).

We might have to keep an eye on Twitter from now on because something is happening with it. Something good, the way I see it. But you never know, what with Elon Musk’s erratic decision-making.

Section XX: Pinterest Ad Audience Overview in Germany

Last but not least, there’s Pinterest. Let’s see if German social media users like Pinterest at all and how the platform fares in terms of ad reach:

Assessment CategoryValue
Total Potential Ad Reach on Pinterest15.88 million
Pinterest Ad Reach vs. Total Population19.1%
Quarter-on-Quarter Change in Reported Pinterest Ad Reach-0.9% / 145,000
Year-on-Year Change in Reported Pinterest Ad Reach+5% / 760,000
Pinterest Ad Reach vs. Total Internet Users20.5%
Pinterest Ad Reach vs. 13+ Population21.7%
Female Pinterest Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach78.4%
Male Pinterest Ad Reach vs. Total Ad Reach16.7%

There’s nothing special about Pinterest. Just the same old. The platform has 15.88 million users in Germany, which is around 19.1% of its total population.

There are also many more female users than men on the platform – around 78.4% of the users are women and 16.7% are men.

It’s not a surprise, since Pinterest is mainly dedicated to topics that appeal to women, mostly.

And it looks like Pinterest also has increased its user base by 5% in the last year. While this percentage isn’t anything to write home about, it still got them 760,000 more users.

Clearly, they’re doing something good.

That’ll be all about this social media guide on Germany. The situation looks good for some platforms, stellar even, and bad for others. But that’s the same for every country.

Either way, stay tuned for more Whizcase social media analyses!


  1. Data Reportal – Digital 2023: Germany
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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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