Say Goodbye to TikTok Refreshing: A Guide to Disabling Background Refresh/Data

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Written by: Alex Popa


Say Goodbye to TikTok Refreshing: A Guide to Disabling Background Refresh/Data

Few things are as irritable as TikTok constantly refreshing every… single… action you take. Fortunately, there’s a way to fix this.

In short, disable the “Background Refresh” feature on iPhones and “Background Data” feature on Android phones.

Once you turn it off, TikTok will stop refreshing, as simple as that.

Finding those options is a mini-nightmare, though, so I recommend reading the guide below to what’s what!

Summary: Are you tired of TikTok constantly refreshing? This article provides a solution to this problem by disabling the “Background Refresh” feature on iPhones and the “Background Data” feature on Android phones. 

The article includes step-by-step instructions on how to find and disable these features on both types of phones. 

If disabling these features doesn’t work, the article also suggests other solutions such as uninstalling and reinstalling TikTok, clearing the cache, restarting your phone, or force-closing other apps. 

If all else fails, it may be a glitch with TikTok and you should contact support for further assistance.

Turn Off “Background Refresh” on iPhones

The “Background Refresh” option is carefully hidden within the iPhone’s murky settings, but it can’t escape my gaze.

Here’s where to find it:

1. Go to your Settings

iPhone background with the "Settings" icon highlighted in the bottom-right corner of the screen
iPhone background with the “Settings” icon highlighted in the bottom-right corner of the screen

Start by opening the iPhone settings, which is the icon that looks like a gear, somewhat. It should be located in the bottom-right corner of your phone.

2. Go to “General

iPhone Settings page showing the "General" option highlighted in red
iPhone Settings page showing the “General” option highlighted in red

With the settings opened, navigate to the “General” tab and select it.

3. Select “Background App Refresh

iPhone "General" settings page showing the "Background App Refresh" option highlighted
iPhone “General” settings page showing the “Background App Refresh” option highlighted

Within the “General” settings, locate the “Background App Refresh” option and give it a tap. Then, follow my instructions next:

4. Disable “Background Refresh” for TikTok’

iPhone "Background App Refresh" page showing the "Background Refresh" buttons on several apps
iPhone “Background App Refresh” page showing the “Background Refresh” buttons on several apps

Within the “Background App Refresh” page, find TikTok and tap the green marker next to it. This will disable the background refresh feature, effectively solving your problem immediately.

Turn Off “Background Refresh” on Android

This might get confusing because there’s no “Background Refresh” feature on Android. However, the “Background Data” option does the same thing. Disable that, and TikTok will not refresh automatically anymore!

Follow the steps below to do that:

1. Open your phone settings

Android background showing the "Settings" icon highlighted in red
Android background showing the “Settings” icon highlighted in red

To turn off the “Background Data” for TikTok, you’ll need to access the Data settings on your phone. You can do that from your settings, so open them now from the Gear icon.

2. Go to “Mobile Network

Android Settings page with the "Mobile network" option highlighted in red
Android Settings page with the “Mobile network” option highlighted in red

Once you open the settings on your phone, select the “Mobile network” option at the top of the page, and then see what’s next:

3. Go to “Data usage

Android "Mobile network" page showing the "Data usage" option highlighted
Android “Mobile network” page showing the “Data usage” option highlighted

After opening the “Mobile network” page in your phone settings, select the “Data usage” option (check the screenshot above to see where it’s located).

4. Select “View More

"Data usage" page in the Android settings, showing the "View more" option highlighted
Data usage” page in the Android settings, showing the “View more” option highlighted

Once you’re on the “Data usage” page, you should see a list of apps. If you see TikTok here, select it. If not, tap the “View more” option to see an extended list of apps.

5. Select TikTok

List of apps based on Data Usage on an Android phone, showing the TikTok app highlighted in red
List of apps based on Data Usage on an Android phone, showing the TikTok app highlighted in red

Did you open the app list for Data Usage? Scroll down until you find TikTok, and tap on it!

6. Disable “Background data

"Data usage" page for TikTok, where the "Background data" option is highlighted
Data usage” page for TikTok, where the “Background data” option is highlighted

Inside the “Data usage” page for TikTok, you should find the “Background data” option at the bottom of the page. If it’s enabled, disable it.

This should fix the automatic refresh issue for TikTok.

Other Solutions

Have you disabled the “Background Refresh/Data” on your phone, but TikTok is still refreshing? Then, you might want to try other solutions:

  • Uninstall and reinstall TikTok
  • Clear the TikTok cache
  • Restart your phone
  • Force-close all the apps you don’t need

If I were to guess, I’d say that you’re using too many apps or apps with intensive RAM usage, which prompts TikTok to refresh once in a while because of insufficient resources.

To fix this, force-close other apps when you’re using TikTok. Or upgrade to a phone with more RAM! If nothing else works, then it’s probably a glitch with TikTok, and you should contact support to see what’s wrong.

I hope this article has helped you but if you need more help, let me know in the comments below!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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