Who Are The Top 30 Best Osu Players?

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Written by: Alex Popa


Who Are The Top 30 Best Osu Players?

Have you ever heard about Osu? I know I hadn’t…

It’s a free-to-play rhythm game developed over 15 years ago. Professional gamers use it to improve their mouse coordination skills.

Over the years, some players distinguished themselves through near-perfect accuracy and excellent results. This article will present the world’s top 30 best Osu players, with their respective achievements and scores.

The best players in the leaderboards have some crazy scores, as you’ll soon see 😀

Summary: Have you ever heard of Osu? It's a free-to-play rhythm game developed over 15 years ago that professional gamers use to enhance their mouse coordination skills.

In this article, we highlight the world's top 30 Osu players, showcasing their remarkable achievements and scores.

From sakamata1 in Australia to Varvalian in Japan, these players have set themselves apart with near-perfect accuracy and outstanding performance.
Who Are The Top 30 Best Osu Players?

1. sakamata1


sakamata1 is from Australia and has a total playtime of 65 days and 23 hours.

This player won 81 medals, and his Hit Accuracy was 98.39% at the time of writing.

Their total score is 294,959,435,065, and the maximum combo is 7,397.

2. aetrna


aetrna is from Canada and has a total playtime of 85 days and 15 hours.

This player won 92 medals, with a Hit Accuracy of 97.39% at the time of writing.

Their total score is 210,249,885,426, and their maximum combo is 3,850.

3. WhiteCat


WhiteCat is from Germany and has a total playtime of 24 days.

With 47 medals, a Hit Accuracy of 98.56%, and a total score of 159,645,454,479, this player is third in the world.

Their maximum combo is 6,229, second only to sakamata1.

4. RyuK


Another player from Canada, RyuK has a play time of 124 days and 79 medals.

This player has a Hit Accuracy of 98.09% and a total ply time of 675,564,597,884.

Their maximum combo is 8,474, which is more than even sakamata1.

Overall, RyuK is fourth in the world and second in Canada.

5. lifeline


lifeline is from Indonesia and has a total playtime of 85 days and 15 hours.

With 78 medals, a total score of 352,378,634,544, and a Hit Accuracy of 98.05%, the lifeline is 5th in the world.

Their play count is 178,970 as well.

6. NyanPotato


NyanPotato is from Russia and has a playtime of 58 days, 73 won medals, and a Hit Accuracy of 97,17%.

This player’s total score is 161,630,248,214, and a maximum combo of 2,823.

Their total play count is 130,132.

7. Akolibed


Akolibed is from Latvia, has a total playtime of 81 days, and has won 93 medals overall.

Their Hit Accuracy is 98.18%, and the maximum combo is 7,990.

This player’s total score is 303,613,305,750.

The total play count is 217,071 games.

8. Arnold24x24


Arnold24x24 is from Peru and has a total playtime of 94 days and 4 hours.

They’ve won 138 medals, and their Hit Accuracy is 98.67%.

This player has a total score of 394,057,912,686 with a maximum combo of 8,476.

Their total play count is 170,036 games, as well.

9. Vaxei


Vaxei is a US player who has won 71 medals and has a total playtime of 96 days and 17 hours.

Their Hit Accuracy is 99,14%, which is among the highest among all Osu players.

Vaxei has a play count of 165,435, a total score of 530,692,704,009, and a maximum combo of 7,540.

10. Mathi


Mathi is from Chile and has a total ply time of 146 days and 22 hours.

They’ve won 89 medals and achieved a maximum combo of 8,340.

Their Hit Accuracy is also 99.25%, and their total score is 962,477,662,598.

Their play count is 221,898 as well.

11. Aricin


Aricin is from the US and has a total playtime of 119 days and 9 hours.

Their Hit Accuracy is 98,94%, they’ve won 77 medals, and their maximum combo is 8,343.

Their total score is 639,894,250,214, and their play count is 172,912 games.

12. Utami


Utami is from the US and has a total playtime of 64 days and 9 hours.

This player has won 91 medals, played 120,743 games per total, and has a total score of 343,053,031,684.

Utami has a Hit Accuracy of 98,53% and a maximum combo of 8,690.

13. Shimon


This player is from Malaysia and has a total playtime of 84 days and 22 hours.

Their total score is 223,070,370,128, and Hit Accuracy is 98.40%.

Shimon has played 221,118 games, and their maximum combo is 3,348.

Shimon also has won 61 medals overall.

14. Varvalian


This player is from Japan and has a total playtime of 177 days and 21 hours.

Varvalian’s Hit Accuracy is 99.34%, and the maximum combo is 10,212.

Their total score is 1,183,287,951,415, which ranks one of the highest scores in the world.

He’s won 75 medals and played 257,500 games.

15. Andros


Andros is from Sweden and has a total playtime of 61 days and 2 hours.

This player has won 73 medals with a hit accuracy of 98.46%.

With a total score of 376,000,845,102 and a maximum combo of 8,311, Andros is 15th in the world.

He has also played a total of 90,630 Osu games in total.

16. maliszewski


maliszewski is an Osu player from Poland with a total playtime of 64 days and 5 hours.

He has 108 medals, a Hit Accuracy of 99.03%, and a total score of 384,063,815,249.

Lastly, he has a maximum combo of 8,528 and a play count of 84,007 Osu matches.

17. FlyingTuna


FlyingTuna is a player from South Korea with a total playtime of 79 days and 3 hours.

He has 81 medals, a total score of 327,107,582,803, and a maximum combo of 3,836.

This player has a Hit Accuracy of 98.37% and a play count of 121,746.

18. Intercambing


Interacting is a player from Chile with a total playtime of 87 days and 18 hours.

The player has amassed 108 medals in 139,267 Osu matches.

Their total score is 377,752,079,707, and the maximum combo is 6,394.

The Hit Accuracy is 98.87% as well.

19. Dereban


Dereban is an Australian player with 112 days and 15 hours of playtime and 93 medals as of the time of writing.

Their Hit Accuracy is 98.94%, and their total score is 360,504,048,553.

Their maximum combo is 3,862, and the play count is 216,036.

20. kieg


kieg is a player from the Philippines with a total playtime of 60 days and 22 hours.

This player has a Hit Accuracy of 98.69%, and 138 medals won in the 162,986 Osu matches.

kieg has a maximum combo of 8,899 and a total score of 185,675,179,106.

21. Apostol


Apostol is a Russian player with a total playtime of 105 days and 21 hours.

They’ve won 67 medals in over 195,242 Osu games.

They’ve also achieved a maximum combo of 7,257 and a total score of 399,264,593,636.

Apostol’s Hit Accuracy is 98.64% as well.

22. Bubbleman


Bubbleman is a United Kingdom player with a total playtime of 88 days and 5 hours.

He has won 102 medals in 130,257 Osu games. His Hit Accuracy is 99.01%.

Bubbleman has a total score of 461,342,722,766 and a maximum combo of 9,382.

23. Frankie


Frankie is a player from Canada with a total playtime of 83 days and 14 hours.

He has won 96 medals in 107,979 Osu games and has achieved a Hit Accuracy of 99.58%, one of the best on the leaderboards.

His maximum combo is 9,289 and total score is 505,850,584,199.

24. Micca


Micca is from Australia and has a total playtime of 66 days and 20 hours.

The player has won 64 medals across 137,239 Osu games, achieving a Hit Accuracy of 98.86%, leading to a total score of 214,809,391,938.

Their maximum combo is 5,793 as well.

25. A21


A21 is from Hong Kong and has a play time of 60 days and 13 hours.

They’ve won 222 medals in 98,541 Osu, which is a pretty outstanding performance.

Their maximum combo is 6,463, and a total score is 271,565,635,712.A21’s Hit Accuracy is 98.54%, which is pretty good, being the 25th on the leaderboards.

26. ChocoPafe


ChocoPafe is a player from Japan with 96 medals won in a total playtime of 75 days and 18 hours.

Their Hit Accuracy is 98.21%, and the play count rests at 168,877 Osu matches. With a total score of 249,745,252,261 and a maximum combo of 4,180, ChocoPafe is ranked 26th on the leaderboards.

27. idke


idke is a player from the United States with a total playtime of 70 days and 7 hours.

They’ve won 75 medals in the 69,241 Osu games they’ve played.

This player has achieved 99.24% Hit Accuracy and a maximum combo of 8,692.

Lastly, idke has a total score of 818,433,269,218, ranking at 27 on the leaderboards.

28. Rektygon


Rektygon is a US player with a total playtime of 85 days and 7 hours.

He has amassed 70 medals across 107,278 Osu games.

His Hit Accuracy is 98.97% and total score is 543,309,114,200.

Lastly, Rektygon has a maximum combo of 8,691.

29. InBefore


InBefore is a Thailand player with a total playtime of 84 days and 20 hours.

The player has won 107 medals in 164,248 Osu games, also gaining a Hit Accuracy of 97,88%.

InBefore’s total score is 228,057,585,326, with a total combo of 3,521.

30. Paraqeet


Paraqeet is a United States player with a total playtime of 90 days and 4 hours.

They’ve won 67 medals across 198,331 Osu games and amassed a total score of 166,086,466,527.

Paraqeet’s Hit Accuracy is 97.16%, and the maximum combo is 2,403.


Osu is a great game to train your mouse speed and hand-eye coordination. It’s also based on rhythmic playstyles, so it’s no surprise there’s a worldwide leaderboard for it.

This article presented the world’s top 30 best Osu players, with total play time, medals won, hit accuracy, total score, and top combo.

As the days pass, these statistics may change, and the leaderboards move around, so you may want to check the official leaderboards from time to time 😀

How is Osu played?

Osu is a game about mouse control. 

The game’s objective is to either time your mouse taps (or keyboard taps) on circles, follow a pattern with your mouse or combine the two.

How fast you are with your mouse and finely attuned your control of the mouse is determined by how good you are at Osu.

If you’re not very precise with your mouse and the cursor is all over the place, you won’t be winning too many games.

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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