Twitter’s Ad Revenue Monetization Starts Today

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Written by: Alex Popa


Twitter’s Ad Revenue Monetization Starts Today

Remember when Musk announced that Twitter will be implementing monetization for its users? Ad revenue monetization, more specifically. Well, that time has come. Recently, Twitter announced that starting today, that revenue will be shared among the participant content creators.

Tweet showing Twitter's announcement about the Creator Ads Revenue Sharing program
A tweet showing Twitter’s announcement about the Creator Ads Revenue Sharing program

This comes in a really difficult period for Twitter:

  • Meta’s Threads is threatening its position in the social media market
  • The company is in deep financial straits due to bad marketing decisions
  • Marketers have lost trust in Twitter’s ability to maintain order on the platform
  • Twitter is quickly losing grasp on the microblogging space

If monetization doesn’t go according to plan, many are saying that Twitter’s end is near but that shouldn’t happen, theoretically.

How Will Ad Monetization Work on Twitter?

There are four key things to remember regarding Twitter’s monetization plan for its creators:

  • Only verified users can partake in the share of revenue (verified with Twitter Blue)
  • Payouts will be cumulative from February when Musk first announced it
  • Creators need to have at least 5 million impressions on their posts in each of the last three months to qualify for payouts
  • Creators will receive the payouts in their Stripe accounts

Twitter wants to empower its creators and make the platform more popular after its continued financial and social fiascos.

The bad thing is that the monetization requirements are quite difficult to achieve. While it’s not easy to become a popular content creator on Twitter, you wouldn’t be there if it was easy.

Twitter will launch an app system to help with ad revenue sharing. This means that the Creator Subscriptions and Creator Ads Revenue Sharing will be accessible from the Monetization section in the users’ account settings.

Rumors say that some creators should receive tens of thousands of dollars from February onward. It remains to be seen how monetization will impact Twitter.


  1. Twitter Post
  2. News Bytes – Twitter Incentivizes Creators by Sharing Ad Revenue: How Monetization Works
  3. Business Today – Twitter Introduces Revenue Sharing program for Content Creators, Here’s How It Will Work
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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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