How to Use WhatsApp Without Wi-Fi?

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Written by: Alex Popa


How to Use WhatsApp Without Wi-Fi?

To keep it short – you can’t use WhatsApp without an internet connection. It just can’t be done no matter what you do.

Now, assuming you don’t want to or can’t use Wi-Fi on your phone, then you have two options:

  • You can use Mobile Data instead of Wi-Fi
  • You can use WhatsApp on a computer (the web version)

I’ll explain both of these solutions with step-by-step instructions and screenshots below, so don’t worry about the initial confusion.

Keep reading!

Use Mobile Data Instead of Wi-Fi

The best way to avoid using Wi-Fi for WhatsApp is switching to Mobile Data (your phone carrier’s plan). And to do that, you’ll have to open the Quick Menu (swipe down from the top of the screen).

See the steps below to see how you can do that:

1. Swipe down from the top of the screen

Android phone home screen showing a red arrow pointing down from the top with the message "Swipe Down" next to it
Android phone home screen showing a red arrow pointing down from the top with the message “Swipe Down” next to it

The first step is opening the Quick Menu, and you can easily do that by swiping down from the top of the screen from ANYWHERE on the phone.

You may need to swipe down twice to open the full Quick Menu, though. Once you do that, see the next step below!

2. Disable Wi-Fi and enable Mobile Data

Android Quick Menu showing the “Mobile Data” option highlighted with the “Enable” text below it, and the “Wi-Fi” option highlighted with the “Disable” text below it

Once the Quick Menu opens up (you can see it above), you should find the Wi-Fi and Mobile Data options at the top, as shown above.

Disable the Wi-Fi option and enable Mobile Data, and that’s all. Now, you can use WhatsApp without Wi-Fi 😀

Use WhatsApp Web

Another way of avoiding to use WhatsApp with Wi-Fi (on your phone) is to use WhatsApp Web on a computer or laptop.

You can do this by opening the WhatsApp Web website and then scanning the QR code through the WhatsApp app on your phone.

I’ll show you how to do this, so keep reading:

1. Open WhatsApp Web on your computer

Google Chrome search results showing the WhatsApp Web website highlighted in red
Google Chrome search results showing the WhatsApp Web website highlighted in red

Begin by opening your internet browser (on your computer) and look for WhatsApp Web. Then, open the first link ( as shown in the image above.

This will open up the WhatsApp Web page (you can see it below).

WhatsApp Web main interface where you have to scan the QR code with your phone
WhatsApp Web main interface where you have to scan the QR code with your phone

As you can see, you can’t use WhatsApp on your computer without scanning the QR code on your phone. So, whip out your phone and keep reading!

2. Tap the three-dot icon in the top-right corner

WhatsApp "Chats" page where the three-dot icon in the top-right corner is highlighted and a red arrow is pointing to it
WhatsApp “Chats” page where the three-dot icon in the top-right corner is highlighted and a red arrow is pointing to it

Once you take your phone, open WhatsApp and tap the three-dot icon lying in the top-right corner of the “Chats” page (you can see it highlighted above).

Then, keep reading my instructions to see what’s next!

3. Select “Linked Devices

WhatsApp "Chats" page showing a side-menu opened where the "Linked Devices" option is highlighted and there's a red arrow pointing to it
WhatsApp “Chats” page showing a side-menu opened where the “Linked Devices” option is highlighted and there’s a red arrow pointing to it

Tapping the three-dot icon from before will open a side-menu, as you can see above. Inside, you’ll see the following options:

  • New group
  • New broadcast
  • Linked devices
  • Starred messages
  • Settings

Don’t open the settings. Instead, go to “Linked Devices“.

4. Select “Link a device

WhatsApp "Linked Devices" option showing the "Link a device" option highlighted and a red arrow pointing to it
WhatsApp “Linked Devices” option showing the “Link a device” option highlighted and a red arrow pointing to it

Next, you should have been redirected to the “Linked Devices” page where you’ll see a list of all the devices you’re using to connect to WhatsApp Web.

If you’ve never used WhatsApp Web, then no device (browser) should appear here. Anyway, you should see a green “Link a device” button in the center of the page (shown above).

Select that and you’ll enter the Camera mode.

5. Scan the QR code on the computer monitor

WhatsApp "Scan QR Code" feature enabled showing the camera pointing to the QR code on the computer monitor
WhatsApp “Scan QR Code” feature enabled showing the camera pointing to the QR code on the computer monitor

Once the camera features is turned on, you’ll see a quadrant in the middle of the screen. That’s where the QR code has to go when you scan in.

Point your phone to your computer (or laptop) screen on the WhatsApp Web page (the one you opened before) and fit the QR code in the quadrant on your phone.

Hold it there for 1-2 seconds and your WhatsApp account will be automatically loaded on your computer/laptop screen.

To Summarize…

As I said in the beginning, WhatsApp can’t be used without an internet connection, so you only have three options to use it:

  • Through Wi-Fi on your phone
  • Through Mobile Data on your phone
  • Through WhatsApp Web on your computer or laptop

I’ve explained the last two solutions here, so if you have any questions at all, let me know in the comments below and I’ll try to help you as best I can!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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