Banned from TikTok Live? Here’s How to Get Unbanned

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Written by: Alex Popa


Banned from TikTok Live? Here’s How to Get Unbanned

TikTok often bans users from its live feature because they violate community guidelines.

Or because they’re underage. Did you get banned from TikTok live, and do you want to regain this feature?

If you’re under 16, TikTok doesn’t allow you to use the live feature.

At other times, the platform mistakenly bans users from the live feature.

This guide will teach you how to get unbanned from TikTok live with three methods – Share Feedback form, Email TikTok, and report a problem on the app.

How to get unbanned on TikTok Live::

  1. Go to the TikTok “Share your feedback” form
  2. Enter your email address and username associated with your banned TikTok account
  3. On the Topic header, select “Account ban/suspension”
  4. In the “How can we help” section, describe your issue and insist on your innocence.
  5. Click “Submit”

Keep reading to learn more about getting your TikTok account unbanned.

Summary: If you have been banned from TikTok Live, you can appeal the decision using one of three methods: filing a “Share your feedback” form, emailing TikTok, or reporting a problem within the TikTok app.

A TikTok ban can be either temporary or permanent. To file a “Share your feedback” form, you need to enter the email address and username associated with your banned TikTok account, select “Account ban/suspension” as the topic, describe your issue, insist on your innocence, and click “Submit”.

To email TikTok, contact them at one of their official email addresses and describe your issue in detail.

To report a problem on the TikTok app, go to your profile, tap on the Hamburger icon in the top-right corner, then tap on “Settings and Privacy.” Scroll down and tap on “Report a Problem,” find the “Live” option and click on it, then tap on “LIVE is suspended.” Under the “Is your problem resolved?” header, tap “No,” then tap on “Need more help.” Describe your problem and tap on “Report.”
How to Get Unbanned on TikTok Live

Two Types of TikTok Bans

A TikTok ban can come in two types: temporary and permanent.

If you received a temporary ban, the notification would say something like “Livestream restrictions” with a period on it.

It could be 7 days (7d), 3 days (3d), or even a few hours.

Temporary bans are issued when you break some community guidelines.

Permanent bans don’t allow you to use the Livestream feature, and they never expire.

You can only appeal the decision with TikTok customer support to remove a permanent ban.

Method #1 – File a “Share your feedback” form

The “Share your feedback” form can be found on Google search.

Or go here.

This form allows you to submit an appeal and report an issue for TikTok to solve.

Image of TikTok's "Share your feedback" page
TikTok – “Share your feedback” page

Once you’re there, enter your email address and username associated with your banned TikTok account.

The username is optional, but it’s better to provide it for a quick fix.

Then, on the Topic header, select Account ban/suspension.

Screenshot of TikTok's feedback page where one can select a reason to submit feedback.
TikTok – Account ban/suspension

In the “How can we help” section, describe your issue and insist on your innocence.

Image of a TikTok ban appeal message.
TikTok ban appeal – How we can help

There’s no need to write entire paragraphs. Just a short description of the problem will do it.

If you haven’t broken any community guidelines, it should be easy to recover your TikTok.

Under the “Attachments” header, you can upload proof of your ban on the TikTok live account.

If you believe you’ve been banned due to a live video you posted, attach the live video.

Finally, click on “Submit” after agreeing with the Declaration.

Screenshot showing how to submit a ban appeal to TikTok.
Submit TikTok ban appeal

Method #2 – Email TikTok

You can contact TikTok at [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected].

Image showing how to email TikTok.
Contacting TikTok

Compose the email in a way that puts you in a good light. You didn’t breach any guidelines, so the TikTok ban was unwarranted.

Please describe your issue for TikTok and let them check your situation.

If you were banned for posting a video that supposedly violated the guidelines, that explains why that isn’t.

They will analyze your video again and fix their mistake.

You should receive a reply within a few days, but it may take more than a month.

Due to many TikTok appeals, customer support may take a long time to respond.

Method #3 – Report a problem on the TikTok app

You can get unbanned on TikTok live by reporting a problem on the TikTok app.

There’s a feature that lets you do that.

Go to your TikTok profile and tap on the Hamburger icon in the top-right corner. Then, tap on Settings and Privacy.

Image of a TikTok home screen.
TikTok account – Settings and privacy

Then, scroll down and tap on Report a Problem.

Screenshot of TikTok's Settings and privacy page where the "Report a Problem" menu item is highlighted.
Report a problem to TikTok

Find the Live option and click on it.

TikTok's Report and problem page where the Live menu item is highlighted.
TikTok Live

Next, under the Hosting LIVE heading, tap on “LIVE is suspended”.

Screenshot of TikTok's LIVE page where it shows that Live is suspended.
TikTok Live is suspended.

In the next window, tap “No” under the “Is your problem resolved?” header.

TikTok's Report a problem page where a message explains why Live is suspended.
TikTok Live suspended

Then, tap on “Need more help”.

Image showing a menu item on TikTok's Report a problem page.
TikTok Live is suspended – Need more help

In the last window, you’ll need to describe your problem.

Tell them why you’ve been banned and think it was a mistake. Ask them to reinstate your account’s access to the LIVE function!

Then, tap on Report.

Report a problem to TikTok
Report a problem to TikTok

You can add several attachments to show that you’re in the right. It could be a photo of your ID showing you’re over 16 years old.

Or it could be the live video that caused your ban.


After sending an appeal to TikTok, you must wait for a response.

You’ll still need to wait whether you used the first, second, or third method.

Depending on how busy customer support is, you could receive a reply in a few days to weeks or months.

If you haven’t sent them a photo of your ID, they’ll request one when they reply.

That’s why it’s better to include a photo of your ID in the attachments to speed up the process.


Why did I get banned from TikTok live?

There are several reasons why TikTok may ban your LIVE functionality:

You don’t meet the age requirements or tried posting juvenile content.

You posted copyrighted material that isn’t allowed on the platform.

You were involved in dangerous behavior like taking illicit substances.

You posted controversial and divisive political content that led to aggressive reactions.

You used profane and vulgar language during one of your live streams.

You posted adult content on your live stream.

These are just a few reasons that may get you banned on TikTok live.

There are more potential causes of permanent bans on TikTok live, which will vary depending on your content.

TikTok also bans users who try to buy followers if they don’t know.

Many users also get banned from TikTok live for nothing. It’s either a mistake or a gross exaggeration by the customer staff.

Someone reports your Livestream for no reason, and the staff doesn’t analyze your content in great detail to determine whether you’re guilty.

TikTok doesn’t have a lot of staff, so they commit these mistakes.

Moreover, the automated algorithms are far from perfect.

Some users were banned when their children appeared in their live videos.

Why is my live not working on TikTok?

Many users have reported that they can’t even find the Live button on TikTok.

This happens when the user is below 16 years old or doesn’t have a minimum follower count of 1,000.

TikTok doesn’t allow everybody to go live.

If you meet these 2 requirements and still can’t find the live button, try restarting or reinstalling the TikTok app.

This will clear the cache and get a new app copy after you install it.

You can try contacting TikTok by reporting a problem through the app if nothing works.

It might be a bug or a problem with your TikTok account.

How many followers do you need on TikTok to get paid?

To make money from Live videos on TikTok, you must be over 18.

Moreover, you need more than 10,000 followers and at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days.

If you meet all these three requirements, you’re liable to be paid for those views.

Videos that promote a brand and earn more than 100,000 views stand to receive up to $1,000 per video.

TikTok content creators earn additional revenues based on their content type, sponsors, promotional videos, and more.

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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