Sync Your Battle Cry: Connect to Discord

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Written by: Alex Popa


Sync Your Battle Cry: Connect to Discord

Ready to go out in style or hear the clinking of swords and the surging of mana? Yeah, I’m talking about connecting to Discord, what else?

Follow my instructions to quickly connect to Discord:

  1. Go to the “User Settings” (gear icon at the bottom of the Discord window)
  2. Select “Connections
  3. Tap on the icon
  4. Connect to your account

To finish this quicker, I recommend going over my guide below. It has screenshots that will help you go through it easier, so keep reading!

Summary: Connecting to Discord is a straightforward process that lets you showcase your achievements and enhance your gaming experience with friends. Follow these steps:

### How to Connect to Discord

1. **Open Discord and Go to User Settings**:
- Click on the gear icon next to your username to open User Settings.

2. **Navigate to Connections**:
- In the User Settings menu, click on "Connections" in the left sidebar.

3. **Select the Icon**:
- Tap the icon from the list of available connections.

4. **Log In to Your Account**:
- Enter your credentials to connect your account to Discord.

For a more detailed guide with step-by-step instructions and screenshots, continue reading below.


### Detailed Step-by-Step Guide with Screenshots

**Step 1: Open User Settings**
- In Discord, click on the gear icon next to your username.

**Step 2: Go to Connections**
- In the User Settings menu, find and click on "Connections."

**Step 3: Select**
- Click on the icon among the available connections.

**Step 4: Log In to**
- Enter your account details to complete the connection.

**Step 5: Showcase Your Achievements**
- Once connected, you can showcase your achievements and game activity on Discord.

By following these steps, you can easily connect your account to Discord and enhance your gaming experience. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Related: How to Move Discord Channels on Mobile
Related: What Does the Hourglass Mean on Discord?
Related: How to Lock a Discord Channel?

How to Connect Battlenet to Discord?

How Can You Connect to Discord?

Connecting to Discord is actually pretty easy but, just in case, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Go to the Discord User Settings (gear icon)

Go to the Discord User Settings (gear icon)
Go to the Discord User Settings (gear icon)

Begin by opening the Discord app (on your desktop PC) and scanning it to find the “Gear” icon (it should be near the headphones icon, in the bottom-left corner).

Give it a tap and continue reading:

2. Select “Connections

Select "Connections"
Select “Connections”

The Gear icon will teleport you to the Discord settings, at which point you’ll have to locate the “Connections” option on the right-hand side and shake its hand (by that, I mean tap it).

3. Select the Icon

Select the Icon
Select the Icon

This will take you to yet another page on this wonderful journey of ours. The “Connections” tab will show you all manner of apps that you can connect to Discord.

The icon can be seen in the picture above. If you’re unsure, search for “” on Google and see what icon they have (it’s… well, three curved lines mingling with each other).

4. Login to

Login to
Login to

You’ll be asked to enter your credentials, so do that. If you’re like me and you forgot your password, quickly reset it and log in.

5. Use the Authenticator or Another Method to Prove It’s You

Use the Authenticator or Another Method to Prove It's You
Use the Authenticator or Another Method to Prove It’s You

Here’s the tricky part – you’ll have to download the Authenticator from Google Play (on your phone) to confirm the login attempt on your computer (connecting to the NASA servers again).

6. Select Another Method

Select Another Method
Select Another Method

Once you confirm through the Authenticator, you’ll be taken to a security check, because wouldn’t be the true NASA without even MORE security measures.

In the “Security Check” window, you can select another method to confirm your identity. Click on the “Identity” option, and a dropdown menu will appear with several options.

I’ve selected the “SMS” option for this article. This means you’ll receive an SMS code to your mobile phone (only if the phone number is registered with

7. Allow All Permissions

Allow All Permissions
Allow All Permissions

The last step is to allow all the permissions for to sync with your Discord account. This includes all your game profiles, Account ID, and the BattleTag.

Check whatever options you want (doesn’t really matter), and click “Allow” to finish the process.

You can verify whether Discord has synced with by going to Discord User Settings – Connections.

Verify the connection to Discord
Verify the connection to Discord

Under the “Connections” tab, you’ll find your connection, and you can choose whether the information appears on your Discord profile.

Check or uncheck the “Display on profile” option depending on what you want.

The One Conclusion to Rule Them All…

To summarize, you can connect your account to Discord by going to User Settings – Connections –

Go through the synching process, log in to, allow all permissions, and you’re done. You can go to the “Connections” menu in Discord to see if the connection was successful.

Connecting your account to Discord allows you to showcase your achievements from to Discord.

It also improves your gaming experience with your friends on

Let me know in the comments below if you found this guide helpful or if you have other issues with Discord. I’ll be glad to help!

What if I can’t find the icon on the “Connections” page on Discord?

This is more common than you think. Many users can’t connect their accounts to Discord for three reasons:

– Either their Discord or accounts are using different email addresses
– They can’t find the icon on the “Connections” page on Discord
– They’ve changed their usernames recently

There was even an official thread on Twitter where Discord officially stated that there was a problem syncing to Discord and that they were working on it.

This took place between 2017 and 2018, and now, users can connect to their accounts correctly.

However, if you can’t do that, you should restart Discord, clear the cache (on mobile), or reinstall it.

Do the same for, to be sure. Afterward, try to sync your and Discord accounts together.

How can you de-sync your account from Discord?

If you want to de-synch your account from Discord after syncing them, you should go to User Settings – Connections on Discord.

There, you’ll find the “” entry, with your username next to it.

If you look carefully, you’ll see an X icon in the top-right corner of the “” panel. Click on it to de-sync your account from Discord.

You’ll be asked to confirm this by clicking on “Disconnect” or “Cancel.”

Doing this may also remove you from all the servers you’ve joined with the account on Discord.

Please think carefully before you do anything because it may have serious repercussions on your Discord server and profile.

Fortunately, you can synch the account back to Discord at any time. But this won’t make you rejoin all those servers, though.

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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