How Long Does Discord Support Take to Answer?

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Written by: Alex Popa


How Long Does Discord Support Take to Answer?

Did you send a request to Discord support, and they haven’t replied yet? You’re right if you wonder how long Discord support takes to answer.

In this guide, I’ll give you exact timelines for the Discord support team and what you should expect when contacting them via the app, email, or other platforms.

Read below to learn more about how long Discord support takes to answer!

Summary: Here, I have detailed the average response times of Discord's support team and the methods for contacting them, including submitting a request, sharing feedback, and emailing [email protected].

Generally, Discord support takes 24-48 hours to respond, but this is not guaranteed, and they may take longer.

If you haven't received a reply within 3-4 days, try sending a follow-up email or reaching out to them via their official Twitter page, where they have a history of replying more promptly.

Unfortunately, there is no binding clause that requires Discord to respond within a specific timeframe, so patience and persistence may be necessary.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to comment below. Stay tuned for more tips and guides about Discord and other platforms!

Three Ways to Contact Discord Support

If you’ve encountered an issue on Discord, you’ll most likely try to contact customer support. Here’s how you can do it on Discord:

Every method has pros and cons, and you should use them preferentially based on your needs and circumstances.

Usually, you should submit a request when you’re having a problem and don’t know how to solve it. You can submit a request on the official Discord website at

Choose your issue, detail it if necessary, and send the request. Discord usually takes 24-48 hours to respond to requests, but it may take longer if they have a lot of user requests to take care of.

Sharing feedback is for fixing issues, recommending new features on Discord, or complaining about badly functioning ones.

For instance, if a new feature implemented by Discord is behaving oddly or not working, you can Share Feedback on the app to let them know.

Usually, Discord will take longer to respond to shared feedback because it’s not as urgent most of the time. But, if there’s a generalized problem, they’ll respond within 24-48 hours, just like before.

Lastly, you can email Discord directly and tell them about the issue you’re experiencing. This is the most common method to contact Discord support.

The time to respond is still the same, 24-48 hours. Remember that this is purely theoretical because it doesn’t guarantee Discord will reply within 24-48 hours.

What If Discord Doesn’t Reply Within 24-48 Hours?

Discord may not reply within the given timeframe as unpleasant as it is. Many users complain that Discord support hasn’t responded to their emails after weeks of waiting.

It’s not the first time this is happening. Either they forgot, they’re exceptionally busy, or they need a reminder about your problem.

I recommend sending a follow-up email if they don’t respond after 3-4 days. This won’t count as spam and may help you solve your issue faster.

But if they don’t reply even after sending a follow-up email, there’s not much you can do. Unfortunately, you depend upon their help, and you can only wait if they don’t offer it.

Another way of getting their attention is contacting them on the official Discord page on Twitter. They have a proven track record of replying quicker on Twitter.


In short, Discord support usually takes between 24-48 hours to respond to your request or email, but sometimes, it takes longer.

How long, you ask? However long they want to. There’s no contractual clause forcing Discord to reply within a given timeframe.

Contacting them on Twitter may be a better choice since it’s a public environment, and they’re more likely to reply.

If you have other questions about Discord that you want to ask, do it in the comments section below, and I’ll try to help you!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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