Do Snapchat Friend Requests Expire?

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Written by: Alex Popa


Do Snapchat Friend Requests Expire?

Did you send someone a friend request, and they didn’t accept it yet? Perhaps you’re asking yourself if the friend request can expire.

There are two answers to this:

  1. Friend requests expire after 48 hours
  2. Friend requests never expire

Let me explain. Most trustworthy sources say that a Snapchat friend request disappears after 48 hours if the other person doesn’t accept or reject it.

However, several Reddit users from a post in 2019 are saying that friend requests don’t disappear on Snapchat and that they still have some friend requests for over a year.

So, which is it? I bet Snapchat has changed some things since 2019; now, friend requests are not permanent. They should expire in 48 hours.

Summary: In this guide, I discuss whether Snapchat friend requests expire. Most trustworthy sources say that a Snapchat friend request disappears after 48 hours if the other person doesn’t accept or reject it. 

However, some users report that friend requests don’t disappear. If your friend request disappears before 48 hours have passed, it could be due to a glitch or the other user deleting or blocking you. 

If the friend request disappears after 48 hours, it means the other person can no longer accept or reject it and you can send another request.

What if My Friend Requests Disappeared?

This has happened to many people. Their friend requests have disappeared even though there haven’t been 48 hours since receiving or sending them.

There are several explanations for this:

  1. Snapchat is glitching
  2. The other user has deleted the friend request
  3. The other user has temporarily deactivated their account
  4. The other user has deleted their account
  5. The other user has blocked you
  6. The other user was banned

You can’t do anything about most of these issues. If Snapchat is glitching, you could try restarting or reinstalling the app and see how it goes.

Try clearing the Snapchat cache and restarting your phone too. Try sending another request to that person and wait for them to accept it! This should fix your disappearing friend requests.

What Happens 48 Hours After Sending a Friend Request?

If the other person doesn’t accept or reject your friend request for 48 hours, the friend request will disappear.

This means they can’t accept or reject it anymore because they’ll stop seeing it. This also means you can send them another friend request.

You won’t be able to send another friend request after sending the first one. Please wait until it expires, or the other person rejects it and sends another.

It could be that the other person hasn’t seen your friend request or they forgot about it. They may receive many friend requests daily if they’re popular or busy.

If that’s the case, maybe you could contact them on Snapchat or other social media platforms and ask them to accept your friend request.


To summarize, friend requests do disappear 48 hours after being sent. But then, you’ll be able to send another friend request if the other person hasn’t accepted it.

The same goes when you receive friend requests. If you ignore it long enough, it’ll expire on its own. You can pretend you didn’t notice it or forgot about it.

If you have other questions about Snapchat’s friend request system, feel free to comment below, and I’ll reply as soon as possible!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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