How to Check My Boyfriend’s Facebook Messages?

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Written by: Alex Popa


How to Check My Boyfriend’s Facebook Messages?

Are you suspecting your boyfriend of infidelity, or are you just curious who he’s talking to on Facebook?

This guide will help you check your boyfriend’s Facebook messages without being found out. 

These solutions include:

  • Using spyware apps
  • Looking through their home computer
  • Resetting their Facebook password
  • Use a keylogger
  • Use their smartphone

Some of these methods may be risky, but if you’re careful, they won’t find out. Even though I recommend straightforward discussions, people have been asking for this.

So, here it is – a guide on how to check your boyfriend’s Facebook messages efficiently!

Summary: In this article, I share various methods for checking your boyfriend's Facebook messages discreetly, including using spyware apps, checking their home computer, resetting their Facebook password, using a keylogger, or accessing their smartphone.

While I strongly recommend having an open and honest conversation with your partner, these methods can provide the information you seek if you choose to proceed.

Be aware that these methods can be risky and may seriously damage the trust in your relationship.

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How to Check My Boyfriend's Facebook Messages?

Use Spyware Apps

If you want to do a professional job and remain anonymous, a spyware app is the best tool for this job.

Here are some of the benefits of using a spyware app:

  • You’re spying from a distance
  • You have access to all their Facebook and other social media messages at all times
  • The app can take screenshots and send you notifications when messages are being sent
  • Real-time vision on their Facebook activities

After you install a spyware app into someone’s device, there’s no risk for you unless they find the spyware app on their phone.

Some spyware apps have a plethora of features that give you more control over your partner’s Facebook messages and private conversations.

You’ll know the whos, the whens, the whys, and the hows of their private conversations in real-time!

Down below are some of the best spyware apps you can use:

  • Flexispy – Free for 24 hours
Flexispy – Free for 24 hours
Flexispy – Free for 24 hours
  • Hoverwatch – Free
Hoverwatch - Free
Hoverwatch – Free
  • eyeZy – Not Free
eyeZy – Not Free
eyeZy – Not Free
  • Cocospy – Not Free
Cocospy – Not Free
Cocospy – Not Free
  • Spymaster Pro – Not Free
Spymaster Pro – Not Free
Spymaster Pro – Not Free

While most of them are not free, you’ll find some free ones. You don’t need all the extra features outside of Facebook stalking anyway.

Moreover, you don’t need to keep watching a person’s private messaging to figure you if they’re cheating.

One look at their Facebook history will tell you all you need to know.

Look Through Their Home Computer

Another method you can use to spy on your boyfriend’s Facebook messages is their home computer.

If they don’t work from home, you’ll have plenty of time to snoop around. You can try guessing their Facebook password if you know them well enough.

They could already be logged in to Facebook on their home computer, which makes your job a breeze.

Once you’re there, look through their messages, take screenshots, look through the attachments, and do whatever you want to!

But be careful not to interact with anyone during this time. Your boyfriend will realize something’s wrong if you do this.

Reset Their Facebook Password

If you’ve gotten hold of their home computer and you’re logged into their Facebook account, you can reset their Facebook password.

But this is only relevant if you don’t already know their Facebook password. If you do, there’s no need to reset it.

If you don’t, follow the steps below to reset a Facebook password on a computer:

  1. Open the Facebook Menu and select “Settings & Privacy
Open the Facebook Menu and select “Settings & Privacy”
Open the Facebook Menu and select “Settings & Privacy”

After you open their Facebook account, click on the small arrow in the top-right corner. This is the Menu.

Once you do this, a window with multiple options will appear. Select “Settings & Privacy” from the menu and continue with the next step.

  1. Click on “Settings
Click on “Settings”
Click on “Settings”

In the “Settings & Privacy” options, select the first option. That’s the “Settings” option.

This will take you to Facebook’s settings, where you can reset your Facebook password.

  1. Go to “Security and Login” and click on “Edit” next to the “Change Password” menu
Go to “Security and Login” and click on “Edit” next to the “Change Password” menu
Go to “Security and Login” and click on “Edit” next to the “Change Password” menu

In the Facebook settings, look on the left-side menu bar for the “Security and Login” option. Click on it and then look in the middle of the screen.

Find the “Login” menu under the “Change Password” submenu. To the right, you’ll find the “Edit” button.

Click on it.

  1. Change the password
Change the password
Change the password

In this menu, you can change the Facebook password to something you’ll remember.

After you enter the password, click “Save changes,” and that’s it. Now you can access their Facebook account from any device.

You don’t need to use your home computer anymore. You can disconnect your Facebook account on your device and connect to their account remotely.

Make sure their home computer doesn’t get disconnected from the Facebook account, though.

When your boyfriend tries to connect to Facebook, he’ll notice it’s not the same password and may suspect you.

But if the Facebook account is connected by default, even if you change the password, he won’t notice.

Use a Keylogger

If you don’t know what a keylogger is, it’s an app that records the button presses or taps on a device.

Install it on your boyfriend’s phone; it’ll record his password when he enters it in an app.

Most spyware apps I’ve listed above include a Keylogger feature, so you get twice the utility with a single app.

Other keylogger apps include:

  • mSpy
  • Snoopza
  • The WiSpy
  • uMobix
  • Spytector

Not all of them are free, of course. But you can find some great ones that are free and will help you find out your boyfriend’s Facebook password.

Use Their Smartphone

This solution is what you’d expect from such a guide. When he’s not paying attention or when he’s in the bathroom, he takes their smartphone and snoops around.

Open Facebook, look through Messenger, and check out their conversations. See who they’re talking to!

This method is also the riskiest because they can catch you anytime. But if you’re not afraid, this is the way to go.

Ask Them

You might not like this solution, but it’s the easiest one. Ask them for their phone and permission to look through their messages.

They may feel insulted that you suspect them of cheating. However, if they want to deny the accusations, they’ll show you the messages.

If your boyfriend refuses to show you the Facebook conversations, they’re hiding something.

Even if they come up with reasons like “I can’t believe you’d suspect me of cheating” or things like that, they have no reason to hide the messages from you.

That’ll only increase your suspicion and do nothing to absolve them. They should agree to clean their image even if their fears are baseless.


To summarize, if you want to check your boyfriend’s Facebook messages without being found out, here’s how to do it:

  • Use a spyware app
  • Use their home computer
  • Reset their password
  • Use a keylogger

Alternatively, you can use their smartphone when they’re not looking, but this is harder than you think.

Lastly, you can ask them for permission. Either you confess your suspicions or act oblivious and ask them for their phone. It depends on how good of an actor you are.

Should I spy on my boyfriend’s Facebook messages?

I don’t recommend that, no. It’s not an honest and straightforward way of doing things. Your relationship may end up being harmed if you do this.

Weigh the facts. How likely is it that your boyfriend is cheating on you? What if he’s talking to his mates on Facebook?

If you’re wrong and you get caught, your boyfriend may forever lose trust in you. The relationship may end then and there.

What I do recommend is being honest. Confront them and tell them about your worries.

It’s a good idea to ask for permission to scroll through their messages.

They may be disappointed that you suspect them of cheating (especially if they’re innocent), but it’s better than getting caught snooping around on their devices.

You’re taking on fewer risks, and you also maintain your integrity if you choose to confront them.

Sneaking around is seen as a deceitful and negative way of doing things!

What if they refuse to let me see their Facebook messages?

It depends on the reason they invoke. Are they denying that they’re cheating on you, yet they don’t want to show you their phone?

That seems a bit suspicious. If they have nothing to hide, why wouldn’t they seize the opportunity to dispel your worries?

If they claim they feel insulted in disappointed in your suspicions, that seems more believable. They may not be innocent.

But still, they shouldn’t want to appear guilty in your eyes. So, even if they feel disappointed, they should still agree to give you their phone.

Though, it’s not a black and white situation. Some people would think that it’s beneath them to try and prove their innocence when confronted by absurd accusations.

If they refuse to show you their phone, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re guilty.

Think about that before you decide on your relationship!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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