Lost Love: Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Dating Account?

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Written by: Alex Popa


Lost Love: Can You Recover a Deleted Facebook Dating Account?

Did you te your Facebook Dating account, and now you want it back?

Can you get your Facebook Dating account back after deleting it?

No, you can’t. Once you delete the Facebook Dating account, it’s gone. All your conversations, photos, profile information, likes, and matches are gone.

Moreover, you must wait 7 days before creating another Facebook Dating account.

You can’t create a new Dating profile at this time because you’ve deleted your account in the last 7 days.

If you try to create an account before 7 days, you’ll get an error saying, “Limit Reached. Try again later.

If you want to know more about this problem, keep reading!

Summary: Once you delete your Facebook Dating account, it is gone for good. All your conversations, photos, profile information, likes, and matches are permanently lost.

You must wait 7 days before creating another Facebook Dating account. If you try to create an account before the 7-day period has passed, you will receive an error message.

This is Facebook’s policy and cannot be changed. The article explains how to create another Facebook Dating account after waiting 7 days and advises against impulsively deleting your account again.

Related: How to Turn Off Facebook Dating?
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How to Get Facebook Dating Back After Deleting It?

Why Can’t You Recover a Deleted Facebook Dating Account?

This is Facebook’s policy, and you can’t change it. 

Once you delete the account, there’s nothing you can do about it. The official Facebook user guidelines say the same too.

You should think twice before deleting the account.

Hopefully, you’ve exchanged numbers with whoever you were matched with, and you can contact them outside Facebook.

You could try to contact Facebook customer support, but I highly doubt they’ll help you recover your Dating account.

According to their official page, all your data is immediately deleted after removing the Dating account.

How Can You Create Another Facebook Dating Account?

While you can’t recover your deleted Facebook Dating account, you can create another one.

The first step is tapping on the Hamburger icon in the top-right corner of your Facebook Feed.

Hamburger icon
Hamburger icon

Your Dating app is in your Menu – along with the other shortcuts that Facebook has placed there.

Once you open the Menu, look around for the Dating icon. Tap on it to open the Dating account creation.

Dating icon
Dating icon

I can’t take screenshots of the Dating app, so you’ll have to create the account without visual info.

Follow the on-screen instructions, and you’ll be fine. You’ve created another Dating account previously, so you should be acquainted with the process.

After you’re done creating it, remember not to delete it again impulsively. You can’t recover it, remember?


If you delete your Facebook Dating account, you cannot get it back. All your data will be permanently lost.

This includes:

  • Your matches
  • Private conversations (the other person will still see the convos)
  • Pictures
  • Profile information
  • Likes
  • Dating answers

If you want another Dating account, you can create another one in 7 days. Until then, Facebook doesn’t let you create another account.

What Is Facebook Dating?

Facebook Dating is a place where you can meet your next soulmate. Or so it goes.

This feature is Facebook’s take on the popular matching website, a place where you can meet people looking for a relationship.

It’s a romance and hook-up place where teenagers and not only looking for a partner. Or a friend. Or someone to talk to.

Not tony people are using it, and there haven’t been great love stories coom this app.

However, it’s something, at least. You’ll get notifications if someone matches with you or if they send you a message.

In this sense, the Dating feature works fine and is very responsive on a computer or mobile phone.

Moreover, your friends won’t be able to see you have a Dating account. They can’t see your dating profile, and you can’t see theirs.

Conversations on Facebook Dating can only be started if two people match and send each other a like or reply to one another.

Otherwise, you can’t send an unrequested message to someone else.

What happens when you click “Heart” on Facebook Dating?

Clicking the heart means you reply positively to a match you received on Facebook Dating.
You’ll receive a notification when someone matches with you or gives you a like.

At that point, you’ll have a choice:

Click the heart and start a conversation
Ignore it or deny the conversation

If you click on the heart icon, go to their dating profile and select the message option.

This will let you send them a private message. Maybe you’ll find your soulmate on the Facebook Dating app.

It’s worth knowing what the buttons do and how you can benefit the most from using the app.

I recommend customizing your match-making options by selecting distance, age, interests, and more.

You can find people similar to you if you give it some thought and attention!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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