Need to Get Rid of a Discord Bot? Here’s How!

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Written by: Alex Popa


Need to Get Rid of a Discord Bot? Here’s How!

Looking to tidy up your Discord server by removing some bots? I completely understand; I’ve been in the same boat when I needed to swap out some older bots for newer, more efficient ones.

Here’s how you can remove a bot from your Discord server by following these steps:

Follow these steps to remove a bot from your Discord server:

  1. Open Discord
  2. Go to your server
  3. Open the server settings
  4. Go to “Members
  5. Remove the bot from the member list

Need help moving around the settings? Sure, follow my guide below, then! I’ve included step-by-step instructions and instructions to help you finish this quicker.

1. Access your server

Discord main window showing my server's icon highlighted in the left-hand side menu
Discord main window showing my server’s icon highlighted in the left-hand side menu

Open Discord and find your server’s icon on the left-hand side menu. Click on it and wait for the server page to load up.

2. Access your server’s settings

Discord server window showing the server's name highlighted in the top-left corner
Discord server window showing the server’s name highlighted in the top-left corner

Once you’re on the server page, locate the server’s name in the top-left corner and left-click it. This will bring up a drop-down menu.

Fun fact: You can also nuke a Discord server! Check out a guide on how to do that if you’re interested.

3. Select “Server Settings”

Discord settings menu showing the "Server Settings" option highlighted in red
Discord settings menu showing the “Server Settings” option highlighted in red

From the drop-down menu, look for the “Server Settings” option and click on it.

You’re almost there!

4. Go to “Members”

Discord settings page where the "Members" option is highlighted in red
Discord settings page where the “Members” option is highlighted in red

In the server settings page, find the “Members” option on the left-hand side menu under the “USER MANAGEMENT” heading. Click on it to access the member list.

5. Remove the bot

Discord member list showing a settings window for a member
Discord member list showing a settings window for a member

In the member list, you’ll see the unsuspecting bot, oblivious to its forthcoming removal. Find the bot, right-click on its name, and choose the suitable option to remove it from the server.

Experiencing issues with an offline Discord bot? No worries; there’s a helpful guide on fixing an offline Discord bot.

Please keep in mind: As I don’t have a bot installed on my Discord at the moment, the settings window I’ve mentioned might not accurately depict the options you’ll encounter.

That’s all there is to it! You now know how to eliminate bots from Discord. If you have any questions or face any problems after following this guide, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance in the comments below.

Keep an eye out for more Discord-related articles, and I hope to catch you in the next one!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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