Want to See Who’s on Your TikTok “Friends Only” List? Follow These Steps

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Written by: Alex Popa


Want to See Who’s on Your TikTok “Friends Only” List? Follow These Steps

The best way to see who’s on your “Friends Only” list on TikTok is to:

  1. Compare your “Followers” and “Following” lists, taking note of matching friends
  2. Visit every person’s profile and look for the “Friends” marker instead of “Following

The key to being friends with someone on TikTok is that you both need to follow each other—emphasis on “each other.”

If one of you isn’t following the other, then you won’t be considered friends on the platform.

Need help following the steps above? Don’t worry, I’ve created a detailed guide explaining how to see who’s on your “Friends Only” list on TikTok. Keep reading to learn more!

Method 1: Compare the “Following” and “Followers” Lists

The simplest method is comparing the “Following” and “Followers” lists on your TikTok profile. Watch for the “Follow Back” vs. “Friends” markers next to your friends’ names.

Look below to see what I mean:

1. Open your TikTok profile

TikTok feed showing the “Profile” icon highlighted in the bottom-right corner.

Begin by opening TikTok and selecting the profile icon located in the bottom-right corner of the screen. It’s right next to the “Inbox” option, so you shouldn’t have problems finding it.

2. Select “Followers

TikTok profile page showing the "Followers" header highlighted in red
TikTok profile page showing the “Followers” header highlighted in red

After the profile page opens up, find the “Followers” header under your profile picture and select it.

This will take you to your list of followers.

3. Compare your friend statuses

TikTok "Follower" page showing your friends' statuses highlighted in red
TikTok “Follower” page showing your friends’ statuses highlighted in red

Once you open the “Follower” page on your TikTok profile, you should see a list of all your followers on TikTok.

Watch for the “Friends” marker next to your friends’ names. Compare it to the “Follow back” marker in the case of some of your friends.

If it says “Friends“, it means they’re in your “Friends Only” list. If it says “Follow back“, they’re not in your “Friends Only” list.

You can add or remove anyone from the “Friends Only” list by following them back or unfollowing them.

Method 2: Look at Their Profile

Another way of knowing if someone is in your “Friends Only” list on TikTok is by opening their profile page and looking for a certain symbol.

Here’s how your friend’s profile looks if they’re not in your “Friends Only” list:

TikTok friend's profile page showing the "Follow back" button highlighted in red
TikTok friend’s profile page showing the “Follow back” button highlighted in red

You’ll notice that under your friend’s Following, Followers, and Likes counters, there’s a “Follow back” button. This means you still haven’t followed them and are not friends with them on TikTok.

This person is not in your “Friends Only” list on TikTok.

Now, look below to see what your friend’s profile looks if they’re in your “Friends Only” list:

TikTok friend's profile page showing the "Friends" icon highlighted
TikTok friend’s profile page showing the “Friends” icon highlighted

You’ll notice that, in this case, you’ll only see an icon showing a silhouette and two arrows on your friend’s profile.

That icon means that you’re friends. They follow you, and you follow them back. This person is in your “Friends Only” list on TikTok.

That’s it. Now, you can easily know who’s in your “Friends Only” list on TikTok. Leave a comment below if you have any questions!

You can also find out who deleted their TikTok if you follow the tips in the linked guide.

Also, check out this guide if you would like to know how to switch to a personal TikTok account.

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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