Roblox: Finding All Your Private Servers

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Written by: Alex Popa


Roblox: Finding All Your Private Servers

So, you’re the owner of multiple private servers on Roblox, yeah? Quite the creator, are we? But let’s get down to business.

Here’s how to see all your private servers on the platform:

  1. Open the Roblox website
  2. Go to “Inventory
  3. Select “Private Servers
  4. Go to “My Private Servers

Four simple steps don’t sound too complicated, right? Check out my guide below for easy-to-follow instructions on how to do this!

1. Open the Roblox website

Google Chrome search results page showing the "Roblox" website highlighted in red
Google Chrome search results page showing the “Roblox” website highlighted in red

Step one – search for Roblox on Google and open the first link you see ( Then, please follow my next instructions to the letter:

2. Select “Inventory

Roblox homepage where the "Inventory" option on the left-hand side is highlighted in red
Roblox homepage, where the “Inventory” option on the left-hand side is highlighted in red

You should be on the Roblox website right about now, with all the colorful games surrounding you. Ignore those.

Instead, look for the “Inventory” option on the left-hand side (check my screenshot above). Select that and keep reading:

3. Go to “Private Servers

Roblox "Inventory" page showing the "Private Servers" option highlighted in red
Roblox “Inventory” page showing the “Private Servers” option highlighted in red.

Inside the “Inventory“, you might find the “Private Servers” option. Yep, that’s exactly what it sounds like – a list of all your private servers.

So give it a click!

4. Select “My Private Servers

Roblox Inventory showing the "My Private Servers" option under the "Private Servers" menu highlighted in red
Roblox Inventory showing the “My Private Servers” option under the “Private Servers” menu highlighted in red

Once you select the “Private Servers” option, two more options will appear:

  • My Private Servers
  • Other Private Servers

To see a list of all the private servers you created, select “My Private Servers“. To check out other private servers on Roblox, go to “Other Private Servers“.

There’s no limit to how many private servers you can create on Roblox. Whenever you want to change the settings to your private servers, you’ll find the list in your Inventory!

And you’re done! With pleasure 😀

Also, check out my guide on how not to get kicked on Roblox due to being AFK.

Check with me in the comments below if you’re encountering any issues, though!

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Alex Popa

My name is Alex and I have a knack for social media in all its shapes and forms. I’ve dealt with such things for quite some time and I noticed that many people have issues with social media and technicalities.

Unforeseen errors, bugs, and other problems make their use of social media problematic. These things will be discussed amply in the guides on Whizcase.

I'll present the facts as they are, and offer quick and easy solutions for them.

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